Any PRIME owners on the list for the Model X SUV due to be out in 2015?

15 October 2003
West coast!
I have an appt. at their Fremont facility to test drive their Model S with the wifey and pretty excited! :)

Was on their website and the new Model X looks like the ideal family vehicle for me and price is quite reasonable on a business lease. Just wondering if anyone here is on the RESERVED list to get one? I know my friend's dad has been waiting forever!
After I test drove Model S I've decided to get the new Model X for my wifey.
I have placed 5K deposit back in Sept 2013. Tesla is expecting to release X sometime early next year.
I put mine down in Oct. 2012, number ~1700. At that time the response was:

Your Reservation Sequence Number indicates your place in our reservation queue and the order in which you'll be invited to finalize your Model X configuration, options, and packages.


Deliveries will begin in 2014 and priced comparable to a similarly equipped Model S. More details will be announced as production nears.

Thank You!
I'm thinking about joining the queue for the Model X...almost pushed the button earlier today.

I know Musk wanted to call the Model III, Model E....but I think he should have called it the Model N.

||| S X is so close...
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