any info on JH4NA1189ST000124

I don't anything personally about the car, but it is literally 2 miles from my workplace. If you'd like a fellow 'primer to take an objective look at it, I'd be willing to assist, just PM me.
Went this morning ~10AM to the dealership. Unfortunately, it was sold. I spoke with a salesman, Tim, who said the car sold yesterday evening.

Not to worry NSX-2k, another will come along. If I were you I would surely keep my eye out for individuals that are selling because of one main reason - records. Nice to have a folder and someone that knows the car really well and will go thru them with you. That is worth a lot! Believe me - having no records in my book = no deal. Have paitience and persevere! The right one will come.

Thanks for your comments, but I already have a NSX. I was looking at the car for lukj (Ken). The car happened to be near my work so I offered to swing by to take a look for him.
I do agree with you that having the records means a TON. Mine came with a monster folder full of records. However, I knew that this one didn't (strange dealership policy-privacy issues). Nonetheless, having a look-see for a fellow NSXPrimer doesn't hurt.
I also agree that NSX's purchased from individuals do have significant merit for such records are invaluable.

I'm sure if Ken is persistent he will ultimately find himself a ride that will put a big grin on his face like ours have done for us :)

Thanks for your comments, but I already have a NSX. I was looking at the car for lukj (Ken). The car happened to be near my work so I offered to swing by to take a look for him.
I do agree with you that having the records means a TON. Mine came with a monster folder full of records. However, I knew that this one didn't (strange dealership policy-privacy issues). Nonetheless, having a look-see for a fellow NSXPrimer doesn't hurt.
I also agree that NSX's purchased from individuals do have significant merit for such records are invaluable.

I'm sure if Ken is persistent he will ultimately find himself a ride that will put a big grin on his face like ours have done for us :)

Sorry for the confussion. I read another one of your posts and all of a sudden....I knew you had one.

This is interesting about that policy of privacy - some dealers advertise they have the records - this privacy thing is just another reason not to buy from a dealer in my opinion. I have had very damn little luck with them and that is with major manufacturers dealers not little turkey dealers that just deal with auctions. Those guys are mostly trouble at least that's my experience but there are exceptions.