Any good stock advice?

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
I have a little bit of money to put into the stock market and I am looking for some suggestions. Anyone have any?

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
Originally posted by NetViper:
I have a little bit of money to put into the stock market and I am looking for some suggestions. Anyone have any?

I hate to send you off NSX Prime but take a look at this thread over on Corner Carvers and check out The Motley Fool. Whatever you do, forget day trading and look at the stock market as a long-term money maker - not an overnight thing.

The NSX Model List Page
Yea, definitely forget about day trading. Odds are worse than the lottery. Hell, you might as well take your money and go to Vegas...atleast that way you'll have fun while watching your money go down the drain =)

You could get into the business of short-selling but people don't look too fondly on short-sellers =( I'd say go with stocks that pay dividends. It's more of a long term commitment but it's safer. Also, try to mix up your portfolio and definitely find a broker with good references. Ask any rich family members or close friends whether they can let you in on their secret =)

[This message has been edited by skim83 (edited 16 October 2001).]
Originally posted by justin hall:
I say this half as humor, but half as serious. Look for car advice on car forums, know the rest.

In general I would say that you are correct. With investing I think that you have to be very careful to avoid information overload. As for corner-carvers - they used to have a section specifically for investment advice and, since the people there were paying for their racing with their portfolios, the advice seemed pretty good.

The NSX Model List Page
Ask 1000 people for thier opinion on what a good investment would be and you'll get 1000 different answers.

My suggestion is to invest in companies and industries that you understand and do it for the long haul... it is possible to pick up a few bucks here and there to pay for go-fast parts and toys, but it's not really worth the risk.

Since you're obviously not a professional at this (after all, you're asking in a car forum for advice), you're probably best off by putting your money in a managed fund. I'd go with a no load fund so you can put money in and out at will without paying commissions with each trade.

Have fun, and whatever you do... don't listen to specific stock picks from people on an Internet message board. Everyone has an agenda.

Originally posted by skim83:
Yea, definitely forget about day trading. Odds are worse than the lottery. Hell, you might as well take your money and go to Vegas...atleast that way you'll have fun while watching your money go down the drain =)

You could get into the business of short-selling but people don't look too fondly on short-sellers =( I'd say go with stocks that pay dividends. It's more of a long term commitment but it's safer. Also, try to mix up your portfolio and definitely find a broker with good references. Ask any rich family members or close friends whether they can let you in on their secret =)

[This message has been edited by skim83 (edited 16 October 2001).]

Daytrading has been a good source of income for myself. It can be very risky for one who does not do enough research. With the internet though it is possible to have far greater odds than Vegas. However I would not give you any exact picks. For that matter it is best to track a company for many months. This is what I do before I start to trade anything on a daily basis. For substantial gains or losses
options are about the best way. If you do not have much experience I would recommend not trading options for a year or two. DO NOT PUT ANY MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET THAT YOU WOULD NOT BURN OR GIVE AWAY TO A STRANGER!
Originally posted by erobbins:

Since you're obviously not a professional at this (after all, you're asking in a car forum for advice), you're probably best off by putting your money in a managed fund.

You are right, I am no professional
I just thought that there would be people on this board that might have some good advice. (afterall, many have some pretty neat toys).

No harm in asking

Thanks for all your replies.

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!