Any EEs in the crowd?

11 May 2003
Midland, TX
I’m looking for someone who’d like to tackle the electrical side of an idea I have. This is a small electronics design project, probably less than 40 hours of work. The device is somewhat similar to a household thermostat, except battery powered. The primary components are a thermistor, a humidity sensing chip, an LCD display, microprocessor, and three LEDs.

You should be able to design the circuit, work out the signal conditioning needed for the sensors, pick out the components, program it to illuminate the LEDs at specific temperature/humidity conditions, provide a working breadboard prototype, and then hand over all your design notes.

The invention is not related to cars in any way. You’ll need to have enough free time to complete your work by the middle of January. Please send me a note telling me if you’ve had previous experience with a similar circuit and about how much you would charge per hour.

After that, I’ll send you a more detailed description of the device and your responsibilities so you can refine your bid. Thanks.
PorknBeanz said:
The device is somewhat similar to a household thermostat, except battery powered. The primary components are a thermistor, a humidity sensing chip, an LCD display, microprocessor, and three LEDs. [...] illuminate the LEDs at specific temperature/humidity conditions, provide a working breadboard prototype, and then hand over all your design notes.

If this is a one-off project, then might I suggest just getting abasic Stamp and a pre-made humidity sensor? It'd be a quick and easy project, easily done in one night...

If not, just get a PIC microprocessor, and the little humidity sensor above (all humidity sensors are fairly expensive).

Nope- I'm not an EE- I just dable with things like this (robotics and the like).