Any computer experts out there?

11 November 2002
St. Louis
I recently had a computer crash on my home PC running windows ME due to some pop ups that installed a bunch of crap automatically, so I decided to upgrade to XP Pro. I had a pop up blocker and Spbot on the ME, but accidentally hit the ok during a pop up and it installed everything before I could stop it.

My problem is that I had to delete a bunch of the stuff that the pop up installed, but after I upgraded to XP, my speakers no longer have sound, my CD burner no longer works other than reading a CD. (no burning) It claims that I don't have a suitable IDE Controller. (whatever that is) I tried to uninstall the burner and reinstall the software, but it won't work because of the IDE controller thing. With my speakers, my device manager shows that my sound card is working and all signs say it should be working but still no sound.

HP won't help with their CD Writer Plus 9100 burner, there are no driver updates on their website, and gateway's customer service has never helped me with anything. Any suggestions on what to do?
Im not an expert on Microsoft stuff but have heard of similar problems before.

Two things that I would check.

1) You mentioned Gateway which is bad.. They add a bunch of proprietary crap on systems that they sell to prevent people from doing what you did. (Change operating systems).. You may be in luck though.. When you purchased your computer, they should've given you a stack of CDs. These CDs will have all of the drivers that you need and may even have a copy of Windows ME.

Windows ME BLOWS! Change it if at all possible.
If not, it is always better to have ME running properly than XP Pro with nothing working.

2) There are plenty of sites on the web that have drivers for anything and everything. I would start by finding the Manufacturer and Model for your sound card and your CD burner and do searches for "drivers for XP Pro" you will probably be able to find what you need with a little searching..

Good luck and don't click on things that you aren't sure of any more... ;)
It sure sounds like you need to update a bunch of your drivers. What type of PC do you have? Some of them use proprietary software and do not get along well with just installing XP.

You can try the windows update tool also.
If possible I would strongly suggest that you start from scratch - backup photographs, documents, e-mail, address book, etc and then wipe out the computer and start fresh. Upgrading from ME to XP is not recommended.
If you want to go down this road I can help but would need exact make, model, etc. for your PC including serial number and complete details of any hardware that you have added.
I'm assuming that the copy of XP that you bought is an upgrade edition? Do you have a copy of ME on disc? The upgrade edition is a full copy of XP but it will scan for a valid licensed copy of a previous version when it installs so you need something to "show" it.
I don't much care for Gateway but I will disagree with the statement about them adding proprietary crap to keep people from upgrading - there is no reason that you can't upgrade except when a hardware manufacturer has not offered any drivers for new operating systems.
Post again if you want more information - happy to help.
I tried to install the drivers disc that came with the computer when I bought it, but it did nothing. The last time the sound card didn't work, I did the same thing and it seemed to work fine. ME does blow, so I have loaded XP Pro on it. Everything is working great except for those two things.

My sound card is Creative AudioPCI, but the weird thing is that the computer says it is installed correctly, there are no conflicts, but I just don't get any sound.

I have an Intel Pentium III with 996 MHz and 384 MB of
RAM. My burner is an HP CD writer Plus 9100 that I put in from another computer 3 years ago. Serial number 0022631392.

Anybody know what in IDE controller is and where I can get it? Before I did the upgrade, I burned a copy of everything in my documents, but didn't know how to back e mail and address book. Now that the burner isn't working, how can I back that up?

I have no problem wiping everything out if I can keep what I need first. The only things that I have installed are Digital Camera, linksys wireless router, cable modem, Iriver, and bearshare but don't use it much. Is that what you asked?
jlindy said:
Anybody know what in IDE controller is and where I can get it?

An IDE controller is what controls the hard drive(s) and CD-ROM drive(s) and there are usually two of them built-in on most systems. Built-in meaning part of the system or "mother" board. The drivers that tell the system how to operate these IDE controllers are supplied by the motherboard manufacturer. On a custom system these would come on a CD, on Gateway it is a bit tougher. The original drivers should be on a system restore CD but that may or may not help you with XP. I would have thought that XP would recognize your IDE controllers and install the correct drivers on the initial installation but perhaps not. This is one of the many examples of why upgrading operating systems is a generally lousy idea. Post again if you need more.

Edit: the original drivers for sound card, video, modem, network card, etc may or may not work with XP. It is possible that no drivers exist to make some of these devices work correctly with XP - the manufacturers often see no reason to go back and make drivers for "old" hardware - even if "old" is only a few months out of date.
How old is this computer? There should be a date on a label if it is a Gateway. You may be best off with ME even 'though you don't seem to like ME. It gets a bad rap in the industry but on the systems that I have used it on it is very stable and perfectly useable.
Try this driver:

If that doesn't work, maybe one of the other drivers on this page will work:

Also try - the driver you need may be located there.

What does your Device Manager screen look like? Are there a lot of uninstalled devices with question marks as in this picture?

Here are some other links you might find useful: (be sure to view the entire page);EN-US;314096

If all else fails, it might be easier just to buy a new CD burner. The one you have sounds like it's pretty old, and you can often find newer and faster ones dirt cheap. Check your local circulars, many times stores will have burners on sale for $5 after rebate. You'll probably find some good deals during Memorial Day weekend.

Good luck!
I have no yellow question marks and no listing for other devices in my device manager. I am trying the windows updates that Phoen$x sent me, so hopefully that will help. I don't want to have to wipe everything out and start again.

Ok, thanks to this site, I found a differnet CD burning program that allowed me to get my 9100 working. It is differnt than what was provided, but it works the same so thanks everybody for your help.

I only have one more thing to fix. On that site I saw a driver download for Creative Audio PCI, but it was for Windows 95/98. Does that mean it won't work on XP? Does anyone know if there is a patch for the driver on XP? Again, I really appeciate all the help. I told me wife that the members on this site know EVERYTHING. :) (NSX or not)
jlindy said:
I only have one more thing to fix. On that site I saw a driver download for Creative Audio PCI, but it was for Windows 95/98. Does that mean it won't work on XP?
The driver may or may not work with XP, there's only one way to find out.
jlindy said:
Does anyone know if there is a patch for the driver on XP?
Without knowing the spefic sound card model, it's difficult to say. However, perhaps the following links will be of help to you:

You can probably google for more relevant links by using the sound card model number, if you have it.
No such thing as a computer expert, as the "experts" are always learning, and an expert should be a master and know everything.
with that off my chest, sorry i'm late in viewing this. looks like you've had plenty of help.

If a driver is for Windows 95/98, that means it's only for Windows 95/98. It will not work in Windows XP due to architecture differences in the Operating Systems (in English - don't try; no workie. :D )

<B>If you're after drivers for your Creative Labs Soundcard, get them from the official Creative website here:</B>
(select SOUND BLASTER, then 16-BIT, then your card model)

You may need to open your computer and examine the card if you are uncertain what model soundcard you have. If you do, make sure your computer is turned OFF. But to be honest, Windows XP should automatically detect & install a driver for any Creative soundcard -- except the REALLY old non-plug&play type.

Also, what model Gateway computer do you own so we can find out more specific details to your system?

You're right; NSXTASY and the rest of us on this website do know everything. :D lol

EDIT: KELVIN! You just beat me! Again! :D u rock buddy.
YOU GUYS ALL ROCK!!! I finally got everything working, at least I think everything. My sound is now working and so is my burner. Thanks for all of the great advice and help, especially lemansnsx and Phoen$x. XP is 100 times better than crappy ME.