Anti-theft: VIN Vaccination?

11 July 2002
Orange County, CA
Anyone heard or tried this anti-theft "device?": Click.

How Does VINshield Work?

Cars and trucks are stolen by professional thieves for one of two reasons, either for resale or for parts. VIN Vaccination effectively deters the theft of the VINshield™ protected vehicle for resale because it is very costly to alter its VIN since all the glass must be replaced. Also, buyers of stolen vehicles will not risk getting caught with VINshield marked cars and trucks because the VIN etched window glass is great physical evidence in court. Theft of the vehicle by a chop shop for parts is also deterred because no thief wants all your glass around the shop with the incriminating VIN etched on every piece. The etching does not change the appearance of the car at all. In fact you can hardly see it, but the police and the thieves know right where to look and that is what counts. So, the thief merely looks for a vehicle without VINshield protection to steal.
I've had my cars glass etched with the VIN in the past. Usually there is a theft prevention event sponsored by the local PD and they give away 1,000 or so glass treatments.

I've never had a car stolen that had the VIN etchings so that may be proof that it works. Or the fact that I don't leave my car in locations that are high crome areas.