Antenna Mast

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Hello All,

I tried to change my antenna mast today and could not figure out how to do it. I did a search in the FAQ and thought I had all I needed. I could not get it to come out. It says give it a little tug.. well, after some SERIOUS tugging, it still would not buget... am I missing something here? Help..
Remove the special nut, spacer, and bushing on top of the fender (note the angle placement of the black spacer for the re-install). Turn the accessories on and the radio for the antenna mast to extend and the mast should withdraw quite easily unless the gears in the motor are jammed. To re-install the new mast, have the teeth on the drive mast cable face directly to the rear of the car, insert the cable down until there is resistance, and turn the radio off to allow the motor to pull the drive cable into the housing. Replace the nut (too tight can cause the mast to stick during the extension and retraction), spacer and bushing.
I guess my gear motors are jammed or something, becaues it does NOT come out easily. I tugged on it VERY hard and it will not come out. The old mast still extenends and retracts, but makes a loud clicking noise at the end of each process. I want to get it fixed.
If you look at the new antenna you will notice the very bottom of the mast shaft where it slides into the motor is very thin metal. If it get corroded this piece will get stuck in the motor. you can try some penetrating oil and let it sit for awhile and try again. Usually you can get the mast out and this piece will stick in the shaft. I have had to drill them out quite a few times. Hope this helps.

Have you purchased a replacement mast already?
When i saw the cost, i looked for cheaper solutions and replaced the entire assembly for $60 with an after market one. Works like a champ. Then I bought the Smartenna, so I can listen to CD's with my antenna in the down position.
