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Another Vote for BrianK

26 March 2003
Nipomo, CA, USA
My Climate Control Unit went to the dark side last week. I looked on NSX Prime and found that many of you had had good experiences with BrianK (NSXe-repair.com). I sent him my CCU and got it back tonight. It was only gone for a week, almost all of that being shipping time out and back. The CCU is now back to its normal Luke Skywalker self. Thanks, BrianK and thanks to you folks on Prime! :smile:
Brian K IS the best!
Yup, he's the best!

I had him refurbish my climate control board this past year. Since he's not all that far away, I drove up to his place for this. He has an entire NSX climate control system on a table in his home, and he uses it as a test bed. So he tests the boards by plugging them in and turning it on, and you can see the vents turn and feel the air blowing out. Very cool!