Another potential new owner

23 January 2005
Colorado Springs CO
I am deeply considering buying a NSX after I get back from overseas in about a year but I would really like more information on the car. Not the specs like how fast or anything, I know that. But more from an actual reliability part. Which parts tend to go first and stuff to really look for and stuff to ask questions about the vehicle. Is there a website that has this information? Thanks.

Ive never done any repair work on mine since ive owned it. Just change the oil and drive.... Do the preventative maintence and youll be okay. Thats the major advantage of the NSX over other exotics like Ferrari's, Lambo's and Porsches is that from an everyday reliability standpoint- "its money in the bag". They run forever and its rare you hear of one with a blown engine or a bad trans (sans one in snap ring range). Buy one- youll love it.