Another NSX in Jalopnik

Who wants chowder?
:eek: OK... where are you? Fess up! LOL... whoever did that *needs* to come forward and explain just what the heck was going on there! Maybe a bet? A dare? A night of drunken revelry followed by an ill fated bodyshop trip? (like the "whats this tattoo???" moment?) :biggrin:

Its not *just* the colors... its the whole application. There is no combo of colors that would "work" where the hood, roof and trunk form a *giant* "stripe" on the NSX!
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I could save it... and it's in my price range!
there is no link to the for sale ad... might be an old pic ?

Yea, I know where that place is here in Phoenix - what an epic failure

The car looks like complete shit - outside and inside

Why not go all the way and paint the entire car that vomit color for consistency?

If I pass by that side of town in my travels this week, I'll stop in and take some pictures for this thread.

The engine and tranny have probably been rode hard too, might be a decent donor platform for a lovefab race car with a complete rebuild.

...although only if I could pick it up for $5 and one bag of doritos
I ran across the ad for that car on craigslist. It has been listed numerous times.

My first thought was "Why didn't the owner just pick up a late 80s Camaro to butcher instead?"

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^^What's wrong with it? Didn't the old Camaros come in vert form from the factory? :confused:
EDIT: you changed the pic! :P
^^What's wrong with it? Didn't the old Camaros come in vert form from the factory? :confused:
EDIT: you changed the pic! :P

Yeah, and corrected the model year also. But my point was that the neon green/black paint scheme would be perhaps a little more acceptable on an 89 Camaro, and the Camaro would have been a lot cheaper.
Last edited: probe wannabe..owned by Kermit:tongue: Of course I should talk:redface:
Looks like a giant roller with lime green paint rolled over it (a 5 second job, max). :biggrin:

The interior scheme could use a little more taste, especially the custom seats with saggy cushions and steering wheel. Love the center console btw.
O.M.G. I thought I would never say that word..... There should be a law for mods like that! man o man.... if that owner keeps it any longer, it'll be lifted with some 26's...