Another NSX in Charleston & a reputable service location in Charleston also

6 February 2003
Silicon Valley, CA
I have made a new friend in town and he stopped by to show me his newly purchased Red '92 NSX with ~20k miles on the clock.


He also just had the timing belt done at Bouchillon Performance and said they handled it very knowledgably and professionally. 8 hours of labor @ ~$65/hour. I will most likely have them handle the work to change mine out.
awsome more nsx owners in sc. we need a few more here in columbia
cool. i know dan and i are the only ones on prime from cola that I know of. what year are you looking at getting?
I'm looking for a 91-93 probably. Trying to stay around the $30K ballpark. I test drove a couple NSXs last year, but couldn't find the right one. I went with a BMW M Roadster instead. I just can't deal with the cowl shake everytime I hit a pothole. You know they only repave the roads every 40 years in SC! The NSX just gets my juices flowing more.
thats why i got one. the looks do it for me. i'll try to keep a look out for you. if you wanna get up with me sometime just shoot me a pm. and SCDOT sucks ass. thats a good part of the reason i dont drive my car downtown. all that construction....never good for wheels