Another Newcomer Question

10 April 2006
Hello all,

Since there have been a lot of new introductions lately I figured now would be a better time than ever to say hello to the community. I have been lurking as well on this board for several years now and the knowledge I have gained thus far has been every so valuable. Thank you to all the members for providing such a wonderful resource.

I have admired the NSX since I was in HS and saw a picture of a red one on the back of a National Geographic. It was on an interesting marketing piece showing all the other products Honda makes instead of commuter cars. As soon as I saw it I just had to know more about it. Finally, almost 8 years later I am ready to purchase my first one.

I did have a few questions, some I'm sure will sound silly. My first one is the driving feel, how would the clutch feel be in comparison to say a 91 Mazda RX7, is it fairly forgiving? Or am I going to be looking at a new clutch a few months after I purchase one?

Also (here comes the silly one), even though I have researched and followed this from the day I heard about it, I have yet to drive one. The past year when I visited an Acura dealership to look at one they would not let me test drive it or even ride in it. So I have no idea how the car rides or performs. I have frequently seen posts of local users offering a ride-along but I have been too nervous to ask for the oppourtunity, afraid to be seen as wasting their time or just another "young guy/punk/etc..." Are there any members local to KC that would be willing to use me as a human ballast?

Just like another new member SiNzz I am also one of the younger members of the forums, and I to promise no "asshatery" either :smile:

Thank you to all that respond and I look forward to meeting more of you.
eventhorizon said:
Hello all,

Since there have been a lot of new introductions lately I figured now would be a better time than ever to say hello to the community. I have been lurking as well on this board for several years now and the knowledge I have gained thus far has been every so valuable. Thank you to all the members for providing such a wonderful resource.

I have admired the NSX since I was in HS and saw a picture of a red one on the back of a National Geographic. It was on an interesting marketing piece showing all the other products Honda makes instead of commuter cars. As soon as I saw it I just had to know more about it. Finally, almost 8 years later I am ready to purchase my first one.

I did have a few questions, some I'm sure will sound silly. My first one is the driving feel, how would the clutch feel be in comparison to say a 91 Mazda RX7, is it fairly forgiving? Or am I going to be looking at a new clutch a few months after I purchase one?

Also (here comes the silly one), even though I have researched and followed this from the day I heard about it, I have yet to drive one. The past year when I visited an Acura dealership to look at one they would not let me test drive it or even ride in it. So I have no idea how the car rides or performs. I have frequently seen posts of local users offering a ride-along but I have been too nervous to ask for the oppourtunity, afraid to be seen as wasting their time or just another "young guy/punk/etc..." Are there any members local to KC that would be willing to use me as a human ballast?

Just like another new member SiNzz I am also one of the younger members of the forums, and I to promise no "asshatery" either :smile:

Thank you to all that respond and I look forward to meeting more of you.

eventhorizon, I just got mine recently. I don't have the experience with the 91 madza RX7 but I can tell you that the nsx clutch is very forgiving. I have heard some owners still have their original clutchs at 50k miles plus. Of course, another factor from the wear and tear is how you drive the car. If you are abusing it (which I don't thinks nsx owners do :biggrin: ), then expect the new set of clutch sooner :smile: .

Too bad, you are in KC, if you are happen to be in the Bay Area (CA) I will let you to ride along in my car.

Good luck,
The local KC group is very active. They meet almost every weekend and I'm sure they would let you ride with any of them. Look under the regional section then midwest. They always have something going on.