Another Newbie

15 December 2011
Sunny San Diego CA
Hello All, Just joined today been drooling over NSX's for years. Finally may be able to buy one early next year. Have to sell corvette first. Anyway joined the site to keep up on everything nsx. Thx Mr. Spidy:cool:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Well today is a good day to become a member of NSX Prime. I allso joined today. I have been lurking for some time now. I love NSX I want a 97 or later. I have been reading about these cars for a long time {ever since Pulp Fiction.} Thank you all for running such a great site for my obsession. I will be watching. And welcome Mr Spidy and Merry Christmas to all.
Welcome :) Your user name reminds me of dancing spiderman...
