Another great Kid's Day

19 May 2003
Green, New Jersey
Well, Kid's Day has come and gone and I can truly say KAR and I had an incredible time, and from the looks on the kid's faces you can tell they did too. Just as last year I'm at a loss for words to describe today, it's just too much. All the children were fantastic and just hearing and seeing them point and gasp at all the cars in the paddock was enough for me!! I was also very happy to see that they changed the way the kids got in and out of the cars this year, although it took a little longer it was MUCH safer.

I have a lot of people to thank, but first and foremost my wife KAR. This awesome woman comes to every event she can possibly come to even if she has to break some plans, she is truly my biggest supporter!! Today she offered to walk all the way out to turn 9 and stand there in the heat taking photos of us driving the kids around!! Also, what event wouldn't be complete without a thanks to Bob Ondrovic. The lens Karen used for these photos was Bob's (and believe me it's not cheap!!). Using the lens was just another one of the small things Bob does, like offering Rain-Ex, and calling me Wednesday night to see if KAR and I are going to make dinner, these and many many more make him a outstanding friend, and a hell of a guy!! Thanks Gary for taking KAR and I out for some hot laps. Thanks DocJohn for the laps and also for letting me know that without my fat ass in your car you’re 5 seconds faster :):) I'll c-ya Saturday (you better get your Rosary out) Thanks Ron for the great Acura hats. It was also really nice meeting Mark who came all the way out from KS for the event, as well as seeing Ben, who I haven't seen since the last Kid's Day. Bailey, it's about time I saw that car of yours on the track, that big ass wing looks much more at home there than in NYC :D:D

To the rest of the crew it was really great seeing you all, and hhmmm what's next? Mt Greylock?

OK!! Here they are......(Please keep in mind I host my site off of my own DSL so it may be a bit slow, especially if everyone hits it at once)'s Day WGI 2004/index.html

The main index page forces the image to a square, click on a thumbnail to see the real photo

As usual here are some teasers....









She got you back Bob!!
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Wow!! Amazing pictures!! Those are really awesome pictures(amazing quality)!!

It's about 1:10AM, and I am still at work. It's about 7 more hours till deadline, and I have been working like this for the past 2 weeks :(

I am glad to hear that you had a lot of fun!!
It's my turn!!!

I want to echo John's thoughts with a few big thanks of my own. As most of those who attended know, I had a near catastrophe on my way up Wednesday night, so here goes my list of thank you's!!! First to Bob O for all his help on Wednesday night, moral support and actually finding tires and setting up the appointment to have them ready and waiting. Thanks to Mark Bartlett who made available his "street tire" and wheel, tools etc. to enable me to make the laps with the kids!!! To John, Karen, Bailey, Doc John, Larry, Pete, and everyone else who helped make the day a "great" day for all!!! The smiles on the kids (and counselor's too) faces as they got in and out of the cars was worth the trip (and the aggravation ) that I made, totally worthwhile. We do have a "unique" car and group of owners to match.
Special thanks to Doc John for the "hot" laps, I think my smile was probably big enough to rival those of the kids!!!
Great pictures!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
jadkar said:
Today she offered to walk all the way out to turn 9 and stand there in the heat taking photos of us driving the kids around!! Also, what event wouldn't be complete without a thanks to Bob Ondrovic. The lens Karen used for these photos was Bob's (and believe me it's not cheap!!).

Gee, go figure, before this I would have imagined that my own lens would be able to take photos of my car on the track but I guess I was going too fast for Karen. ;)

In all seriousness, it was a great day with our largest turnout yet for this annual event. 16 NSXs with 6 track rats and 10 other cars showing up to support this great cause. Unfortunately my usual annoying habit of photographing everyone and everything was not done this year because of the tight track schedule (in addition to my apparent nap) but thanks to Jadkar and hopefully a few others we should have a good archive for this year. I did take a few and will post them later.

A special thanks to MarkB from Kansas who graciously loaned Roger his right rear wheel to be used on the track. You are now an honorary lifetime member of the NE region, Mark!

Thanks also to Peter, DocJohn and Gary for using their track time to give hot lap rides to the non-track rats. From the looks on their faces when they came back, I think it is safe to say they were shocked at what an NSX can do on the track. Plus, hearing that Bailey was unable to talk for a couple of laps with Peter was a further validation of Pete's skills as a driver and instructor.

But most importantly, we all turned out to support these kids who are suffering from cancer and who all really look forward to this day each year. We enjoy our cars and our group but we should keep these boys and girls in our thoughts and prayers for a complete and speedy recovery. Their strength, resilience and optimism are truly amazing considering the devastating illnesses they must deal with on a daily basis.
The "original" The Don with his offspring, The Don (Jr.)

Roger's "tire"

Larry G's new color coordinated side view mirrors

A trio in front of Turn 1

Can anyone identify this butt?

Long distance award (Kansas)

Track rats under the bleachers

NSX guru to the stars
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It was a great event!The rain held out till the near bitter end(it just came in time to hustle us along).Great turnout of nsx's,and a great excuse for car lovers to see and hear some great cars exercising.I'm reminded that our car passion can bring a smile and thrill to young and old and hopefuly takes some of those kids to a place far from the nagging thoughts of cancer:) .I was psyched that the bee cooperated this year and provided some spirited laps,you should have seen Bailey casualy taking in car photos at speed!The group rallied around Rogers mishap and we got to meet Mark,( aka Dennis lol ) as he cruises around from track to track in search of nirvana.Nice group and lots o fun!As I sat in the bleachers I thought what a wonderful venue for xpo it will be.All the shutterbugs can get great shots and spectaters will be thrilled with the sites and sounds of over 100 nsx's at speed,on the front straight and turn 1.
Thumbs up!!!

Again, thanks to all. Bob, your picture of my tire has already reaped positive results!!! While Tire Rack says that it'd be difficult to see Bridgestone step up to a "warranty" situation because of lack of evidence (just 2 beads left of the tire) and the fact that the tires had about 8,500 miles on them, The Tire Rack just for customer "good will" is stepping up and making an "accomodation" to help out the cause. This is truly a super gesture on their part, as they really had no responsibility other than trying to be nice and help a customer. Sooo, thanks Tire Rack, and to all those who helped me to get through the day!!! Again, it's nice to be part of such a "community"!!!:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Both the "original" and "hopefully, new and improved" Don had a wonderful time both at the track and the evening before. Dad was very impressed with the quality of friends I have made in our group. Don't worry I didn't tell him the truth. LOL

Many thanks to Gary for taking Dad around for a few laps. He is telling everybody he sees how great it was.

And Ron, Mom loves her new hat. Thanks!

Great pictures Karen. Maybe you should word as an assistant photographer at XPO?

Back to work...