another crazy lawsuit

Does that mean I can sue Simon and Garfunkle for turning me into a pu$$y in the 70's??
The sad thing about this is that the courts are stupid enough to actually allow wasting tax payer's money on such inane issues. The court should have the fortitude to tell these people starting these types of blatantly frivolous lawsuits to withdraw, or be jailed for wasting court time and tax payer money. After all, was Ronald McDonald holding a gun to this guy's head, forcing him to pig out? Give me a break!
Boy, this could really hurt the reelection campaign of Mayor McCheese...

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 29 July 2002).]
I think I'll file a class action lawsuit against the American Bar Association for the loss of the American public's sense of self-responsibility.
I'm going to file a class action lawsuit against all car manufacturers. Why do they continue to produce cars that are capable of going above the speed limit, Allowing me to speed, thus break the law.

This is truly irresponsible of the automotive industry. Furthermore, since I got my last ticket in my NSX, I figure I'll sue Acura first.

Anyone wish to join me??
I like the quote in that article:

A National Restaurant Association executive said the lawsuit "gives frivolous a bad name."
