Another alpine 634 post

16 January 2001
Miami, FL. US
Sorry to bring this up again. No doubt most of you guys have already upgraded to the Alpine SC634 (thats what its called right?) Well I was hoping to upgrade to this in a few weeks but was wondering; is there a newer version of this changer out? Having waited this long I'm hoping to get the changer at a good deal. Any suggestions on where to buy? My stock cd changer makes an annoying buzzing sound whenever I hit a bump. Have no idea how to fix it; and I see it as a good oppurtunity to just get a new changer finally

'91 blk/blk NSX
'96 Green Integra GSR
'02 CBR F4i Yellow/Black
Honda rules
BladesNSX, I have not installed the new Alpine player, but I believe it was introduced in early- to mid-2002 (you can also confirm this by checking when the early posts regarding installation issues started cropping up on Prime). In this thread, nsxxtreme posted first on 15 June 2002). I would assume that they would keep this model for a couple of years. You can get some good deals on it these days by checking on eBay.


[This message has been edited by NSXaholic (edited 17 March 2003).]