Another A/C Problem

30 September 2000
valrico, fl
Suddenly no cold air today. My 92 is on its 5th evaporator, so I want to jump to the conclusion that its gone again. This one lasted 2-years so far. I checked the fuses and fiddled with the compressor relay. Compressor clutch does not engage. Condenser fans run. My next move is to pull the blower out so I can see if there is any obvious leak around the evap..........unless someone has a better suggestion? Not sure I have the confidence to try the evaporator repair myself, assuming that's the problem. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Update--an A/C tech helped me out today--put some R134 in and used a sniffer--only place is alarmed was the inside vents--suggests the evap is gone again. I'll be pulling the blower out and take a look for more confirmation--can't imagine anything else leaking in there--right?
Can anyone tell me what parts I need to order along with the evap to do the job myself. Also, the tech suggested changing to R134, and added the fittings already--he suggested replacing the dryer--said that's all it takes to convert! All input is appreciated, and anyone in the Tampa Bay area that can help, come on over maybe next weekend after I get the parts!!

A brand new car will set off the sniffer if put inside the a/c vents if the blower is on, even at the lowest setting. I think I may have said this before, but your chances are better at wining the lottery than needing that many evaps. The only other thing in there that could leak is the expansion valve, but you have had 5 o those too!

I hate to sound like a broken record, but you need to install some a/c dye, and do a proper inspection. No alternative to scientific diagnosis excists.
Except maybe buying ALOT of parts and labor and see what fixes the problem, and your bank account :eek:
