Anderson Run event june 20th

15 January 2010
houston, tx
Anderson Run Event - update 5/23

This is a open event so it will be more of a group gathering and run.

Everyone is responsible for your selves and we ask that people conduct them selves in a proper manor.

With that being said the all groups are expected to be at the meeting location by 7am fueled and ready to go. We will have a brief drivers meeting and a few directions will be handed out. The first car will leave the parking lot at 8:00am. This is early but is important so that we miss the slow traffic. We will be having a Drivers Meet at 7:30am you are expected to attend.

If you prefer to drive faster you may want to hang in the rear, the rubber-banding will give you plenty of room to have a spirited pace. The lead car will be maintaining a reasonable speed, and will be pulling over at major turns to allow the group to catchup.

The meeting location has a gas station and a McDonalds to allow both of your tanks to fill up if you arrive early.

See the map link below - the starting location is marked a "Meeting Place"

The map

Address: McDonalds 20943 Eva Street, Montgomery, TX‎ - (936) 597-7766
Drivers Meet: 7:30am - Roll out 8am firm!
Date: June 20th (Fathers day)
Lunch: Bevers depending on the amount or cars - small place
Lunch (Large Group): Sealand
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I live in Austin. This sounds interesting. I am considering joining you for this run. Perhaps I am missing something, hope you can clarify. The route is 79.9 miles from Montgomery to Chappell Hill. If the group left the starting point at 7:30 am, the trip should take 1:30 hrs, maybe 1:45 hrs max. Did you plan to hang out in Chappell Hill from 9 am until lunch (say 11:30)? Or do some more driving? Or were you actually planning breakfast instead of lunch? Maybe you guys down in Houston have lunch that early, I dunno.

I look forward to meeting you guys.


P.S. I would be up for breakfast if they open that early.
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We are planning on some delays depending on the number of expected cars so you are looking at reaching chapel Hill more like 10pm, and this will leave time for everyone to eat. Bevers will not hold a large group so some alternatives will be posted if the group is to large.

The second half ether will be the main run in reverse, or a alternative route. The map should be updated soon to reflect this.
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