And You Thought Your Kids Were Poorly Behaved...

Unless the kid has some sort of psychiatric disorder, that type of behavior is almost certainly the direct result of bad parenting based on the all too typical new-age, permissive, spare-the-rod mentality rooted in the liberal revolution of the 1960's. Like the average parents these days, this felonious brat's mother and father are probably more interested in being her "friend" (i.e. "the good guy") than in playing the much more difficult and important role of disciplinarian (i.e. "the bad guy"). All three should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
nsxr1 said:
Unless the kid has some sort of psychiatric disorder, that type of behavior is almost certainly the direct result of bad parenting based on the all too typical new-age, permissive, spare-the-rod mentality rooted in the liberal revolution of the 1960's. Like the average parents these days, this felonious brat's mother and father are probably more interested in being her "friend" (i.e. "the good guy") than in playing the much more difficult and important role of disciplinarian (i.e. "the bad guy"). All three should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

man billy,
you should have your own talk show.. i'm with you on this one too.. :D
nsxr1 said:
Unless the kid has some sort of psychiatric disorder, that type of behavior is almost certainly the direct result of bad parenting based on the all too typical new-age, permissive, spare-the-rod mentality rooted in the liberal revolution of the 1960's. Like the average parents these days, this felonious brat's mother and father are probably more interested in being her "friend" (i.e. "the good guy") than in playing the much more difficult and important role of disciplinarian (i.e. "the bad guy"). All three should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

This thread was started just to show a little humor, albeit dark humor, please don't turn it into a liberal vs. conservative fight, and unless you have had extensive personal interaction with this individual and her family, most of what you said above is completely without foundation.
SCS2k said:
This thread was started just to show a little humor, albeit dark humor, please don't turn it into a liberal vs. conservative fight, and unless you have had extensive personal interaction with this individual and her family, most of what you said above is completely without foundation.
Whether you agree with me or not, my reaction to the story is perfectly reasonable and no doubt shared by many. My generalizations have a very firm foundation - they are based upon my own experiences and observations as well as those from a wide range of sources concerning the current shameful state of child/youth behavior in America. Of this there is NO doubt - the majority of parents today are falling far short of the standards set by their counterparts of only a few generations ago. I hold the firm belief that the primary cause of this is lack of parental discipline.

As I already stated, barring some unusual extenuating circumstances (like a clinical psychiatric malady or the babysitter threatening/injuring the child first), the responsibility for the incident described in the story lies not only with the perpetrating minor, but also with the minor's parents. I am of the opinion that they should be held criminally accountable, just as if they had committed the crime themselves (and make no mistake - threatening and/or chasing someone with a lethal weapon IS a serious crime). If this type of parental accountability became the rule rather than the exception, I would guess we would all be witness to an amazing revolution of "old school" style parental discipline in this country.

And I realize that you didn't post the story to provide me (or anyone else) with an excuse to get up on a soapbox, but whenever I read things like that I naturally tend to go off on a rant. Maybe I'd have more friends if I didn't take things so seriously ;)
The article stated: "...until the girl found the machete lying in the yard..."

WT???? Why not the M16A1 in the kitchen or bazooka in the garage? Why was a machete just lying around in the yard? :confused:
I agree with nsxr, however i'm not gonna try to blame it on liberal vs conservative. its the new trend, talking with your kids rather than discipline, etc.
It seems like more and more parents today cant properly raise their kids, and we keep finding more and more red herrings to blame it on.
I think Maddox had it right all along here
paladin said:
I agree with nsxr, however i'm not gonna try to blame it on liberal vs conservative. its the new trend, talking with your kids rather than discipline, etc.
It seems like more and more parents today cant properly raise their kids, and we keep finding more and more red herrings to blame it on.
I think Maddox had it right all along here
I'm not saying that only liberal Democrats are bad parents. God knows that most parents these days have no idea what they are doing and are dropping the ball big time, regardless of political ideology/affiliation. And you're absolutely right that the current sorry state of child/youth behavior gets attributed to everything from guns to TV violence, when the real culprit is poor parenting. But I think there is no doubt that the trend towards what I call "new-age" parenting was begun and is encouraged by liberal-minded people.

BTW, that Maddox link is hilarious! And like all great comedy, what he wrote is based on truth.