And you thought NSX owners were a small community...

Ha...that thing is great. I remember seeing something about it on TV a few months ago. I think the US GOV should buy it and use it to hunt down and kill Osma the a-hole. Imagine seing that thing coming at you with a few missles on it.

I also wonder if there are any SOS or Basch aftermarket parts available for it.
They had a big writeup of this thing a few years back in Car and Driver. Some nut and his wife spent loads of cash building this...

Then about 6 months ago C&D reported that the couple were getting a divorce & the "Dobbertin Surface Lander" (think that was the name) was being sold. Ooops
Hahaha, at first I thought that the bid was for the space shuttle in the background. I couldn't make out the surface orbiter at first glance (bad eye sight). Thought to myself, "Damn, wish I had known about the bid...20K for a space shuttle is a DAMN good deal!"
What will they think of next.LOL

But honey I got a great deal on it!!!We'll just sell the caravan and youll have all the room in the world for shopping and what not.

You see we'll just park it right here in front of the house.")
