...and then I saw it!

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
Today I was driving down by our beach (spring break...gotta check out all the college hotties!) when I turned towards home and pull up next to a VW Cabrio with a couple of girls driving. Then I see the 5 series (550 or 575?) Maranello on my right! The girls look over at my car and are like "damn! :eek: " Then they look over at the Ferrari...one girl goes "is that a ferrari?" "I think so" and no sooner did they say that did they turn their heads and resume looking at my NSX...almost drooling!! :D They were pretty hot too but I have a g/f so I was keeping my space :-\

So we take off slowly from the light and we're heading down a hill when I see it....there it was....parked on the right hand side of the road in an office area, almost hidden but in enough site for me to see...the beaut of all beauts...the creme de la creme...
The ENZO!!!!

I saw that, SLAMMED on my brakes, switched lanes (safely), pulled into the eckerds next door, bought a disposable camera and proceeded to take quite a few snapshots of the ENZO with my NSX in the foreground of course! :)

I was so ecstatic!!! It's such a friggen nice car in person!!

I need to be alone now! :)

Next steps:
1. 1 hour developing
2. Scan
3. Post

I need to see this! Including commuting time, that is 1.5 hours... I'll be waiting patiently.


P.S. Are they done yet?
Today I went out and snapped a million pics (well, 30) of my NSX all cleaned, my Xtreme, my dog (who i found out is quite humorous...see below) and my house.

I will develop tomorrow.

Anyways, I have a 1 1/2 year old golden retriever (short haired) and he's cute as can be...today, I realized he's a model! I was talkin with my g/f and I started snappin a few pics of him here and there. EVERYTIME the camera was on him, he'd sit down, stare at it and almost pose! I'd turn away and he'd jump on me and bark at me. I'd turn at him, and he'd continue. I'd shoot a picture of him and he'd pose! No joke!!! It was hilarious! Me and my g/f were cracking up!

Ok, so pics tomorrow, HOPEFULLY. I have to buy that digital CD because my scanner is archaic and I don't think it works anymore.
Here are some awesome pics from the last Socal F-Car event..
Lambo GT
Jag XJ220

you guys can compare =)


How come people are so quick to say the HSC looks like teh enzo, yet no one says the Enzo looks like an NSX? I think alot of these new supercars are doing this! The S7 and Mclaren are others!

I mean, the Enzo's overall shape is very similar to the NSX! look at the hood contours and how it comes to the windshield, the shape of the windshield and the overall shape of the canopy...very similar if you ask me.

I think if an F1 car and an NSX ever mated, you'd have an ENZO! :) Still a beautiful piece of work by Ferrari!
Brian2by2 said:
I mean, the Enzo's overall shape is very similar to the NSX! look at the hood contours and how it comes to the windshield, the shape of the windshield and the overall shape of the canopy...very similar if you ask me.
I thought so too when I first looked at your pic. Especially with those wheels. Maybe prova4re can tell us if the driving position feels similar as well?
I guess I need to see the Enzo in person. I really do not think it looks that great. Actually if it had 275 horse power I would have to say it was ugly. The performance is the only thing that is attractive about the Enzo..IMO
Was it at a dealer or a normal business?? I wonder what that guy/gal does?? :)
I guess I need to see the Enzo in person. I really do not think it looks that great.

A silver Enzo drove by me a couple of months ago. It catches your attention like few things do, but I STILL don't like how it looks.
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5inchfatlip said:
I relaly dont think they make silver, and also to be in Socal to top it off????

I know for sure there is red/orange, yellow, and a dark blue.

They make silver...I have seen pictures of two of them. They also make black.

From that shot if nobody knows what is NSX, he would have mistaken it to be one of the Ferrari.
dont think they make silver, and also to be in Socal to top it off????

You callin' me a liar? :eek:

I spotted it on Glencoe in Marina del Rey (not far from my home). I first mentioned my brief encounter in this thread
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