And the Catholic Church wonders why membership is dwindling...

28 March 2002
Aug 12, 2004 1:20 pm US/Eastern
(1010 WINS) (BRIELLE, N.J.) An 8-year-old girl who suffers from a rare digestive disorder and cannot consume wheat has had her first Holy Communion declared invalid because the wafer contained none, violating Catholic doctrine.

Now, Haley Waldman's mother is pushing the Diocese of Trenton and the Vatican to make an exception, saying the girl's condition _ celiac sprue disease _ should not exclude her from participating in the sacrament, in which Roman Catholics eat consecrated wheat-based wafers to commemorate the last supper of Jesus Christ before his crucifixion.

``In my mind, I think they must not understand celiac,'' said Elizabeth Pelly-Waldman, 30. ``It's just not a viable option. How does it corrupt the tradition of the Last Supper? It's just rice versus wheat.''

It's more than that, according to church doctrine, which holds that communion wafers must have at least some unleavened wheat, as did the bread served at the Last Supper.

The Diocese of Trenton has told Waldman's mother that the girl can receive a low-gluten host, drink wine at communion or abstain entirely, but that any host without gluten does not qualify as Holy Communion.

Pelly-Waldman rejected the offer, saying even a small amount of gluten could harm her child.

Gluten is a food protein contained in wheat and other grains.

Diocesan spokeswoman Audra Miller declined comment on Waldman's case, and instead provided policy papers written by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops outlining the options for celiac sprue sufferers.

Celiac sprue disease, an autoimmune disorder, occurs in people with a genetic intolerance of gluten.

When consumed by celiac sufferers, gluten damages the lining of the small intestine, blocking nutrient absorption and leading to vitamin deficiencies, bone-thinning and sometimes gastrointestinal cancer.

It isn't the first such communion controversy. In 2001, the family of a 5-year-old Natick, Mass., girl with the disease left the Catholic church after being denied permission to use a rice wafer.

Some Catholic churches allow the use of no-gluten hosts, others don't, according to Elaine Monarch, executive director of the Celiac Disease Foundation, a Studio City, Calif.-based support group for sufferers.

``It is a dilemma,'' said Monarch. ``It is a major frustration that someone who wants to follow their religion is restricted from doing so because some churches will not allow it.''

``It is an undue hardship on a person who wants to practice their religion and needs to compromise their health to do so,'' Monarch said.

Haley Waldman, a shy, brown-haired tomboy who loves surfing and hates to wear a dress, was diagnosed with the disorder at 5.

``I'm on a gluten-free diet because I can't have wheat, I could die,'' she said in an interview Wednesday.

Last year, in anticipation of the Brielle Elementary School third grader reaching Holy Communion age, her mother told officials at St. Denis Catholic Church in Manasquan that the girl could not have the standard host.

The church's pastor, the Rev. Stanley P. Lukaszewski, told her that a gluten-free substitute was unacceptable.

But a priest at a nearby parish contacted Pelly-Waldman after learning about the dilemma, volunteering to administer the sacrament using a gluten-free host.

She said she won't identify the priest or his parish for fear of repercussions from diocese.

On May 2, Waldman _ wearing a white communion dress _ made her first Holy Communion in a ceremony at the priest's church. Her mother, who also suffers from celiac and had not received communion since her diagnosis four years ago, also received.

But last month, the diocese told the priest that Waldman's sacrament would not be validated by the church because of the substitute wafer.

``I struggled with telling her that the sacrament did not happen,'' said Pelly-Waldman. ``She lives in a world of rules. She says `Mommy, do we want to break a rule? Are we breaking a rule?'''

Now, the mother is seeking papal intervention. She has written to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome, challenging the church's policy.

``This is a church rule, not God's will, and it can easily be adjusted to meet the needs of the people, while staying true to the traditions of our faith,'' Pelly-Waldman said in the letter.

For her part, Pelly-Waldman _ who attends Mass every Sunday with her four children _ said she is not out to bash the church, just to change the policy that affects her daughter.

``I'm hopeful. Do I think it will be a long road to change? Yes. But I'm raising an awareness and I'm taking it one step at a time,'' she said.
Any arbitrary faith-, tradition-, or legally-based rule, without the flexibility to meet the needs of exceptional persons, will eventually stir up trouble. It doesn't matter what the environment is.
The thing that kills me is that they are fighting to be a member of that church! How people's minds work I will never understand.
I so love narrow-minded intolerance. I just have to believe that a being so knowing and powerful as to create the universe, and this little girl, would not care if a cracker had gluten or not. I also can't imagine Jesus Christ after having been beaten, whipped and tortured, nailed to a cross demanding that all that follow him must consume gluten. These church "elders" or whatever they are now called behave in just a mind-boggling manner.
SCS2k said:
I so love narrow-minded intolerance. I just have to believe that a being so knowing and powerful as to create the universe, and this little girl, would not care if a cracker had gluten or not. I also can't imagine Jesus Christ after having been beaten, whipped and tortured, nailed to a cross demanding that all that follow him must consume gluten. These church "elders" or whatever they are now called behave in just a mind-boggling manner.

The Catholic church, as well as other religious institutions, have imposing rules such as this that would be deemed ridiculous to most people. Religion has often become misconstrued depending on who is interpretting it.

I don't believe that a person who goes to church every Sunday and receives the sacrament is necessarily a better patron than others when while at church they are sitting in chuch not really wanting to be there. This little girl and her family are exhibiting their strong belief in their faith by actually fighting for it and that counts for more than most followers.
As Jesus told the Pharisees, "I asked for compassion, you gave me sacrifice."

It's not the rules that get us to Heaven.