AnalyNSX is now available on NSXPrime!

11 February 2003
Denver, Colorado, USA
Thanks to Lud’s great effort it is now possible for anyone to download AnalyNSX by clicking here AnalyNSX is a rather simple minded automation of the pricing grids already included in the FAQs
here Sometime in the future you will be able to download this directly from the FAQs, and I will update it from time to time.

If you are simply curious about the value of a single NSX, it is far simpler to look it up in the pricing grids. If, on the other hand, you are trying to make sense of many different NSXs, to either buy or sell, this little application can help you keep track of what you have looked at, and serves to rank individual NSXs. Here are some screen shots of the program

When you click the first "here" your will be able to download a single file called setup.exe. It is a typical InstallShield installation program we’ve all seen many times. It takes care of everything you need to run the program on your computer. Down load the file to a logical place on your computer and then double click on Setup.exe to install AnalyNSX on your machine. The setup program also includes an uninstall feature to get rid of it, and all its components, if it is of no value to you.:o

There are about 100 NSXs I listed between about June and September 2003 included in this release. The two tab input form should be pretty straight forward to computer users. You can use the selector to move to any particular NSX in your list. Year, color, price, mileage, mods, timing belt, listing date, sold, VIN, location, dealer (T/F), and comments are, I hope, obvious. Distance is from my home in Denver, CO. Just about everyone will want to change, or ignore, that. :)

The program is primarily mileage/year driven. A ‘grade’ is determined by the mileage. That grade ‘determines’ an expected price. Finally the asking price is compared to expected price and a final price grade is determined, which ranks the NSX. You get to control these ‘factors’

The computed Price Factor on the input screen is a number to ADD to Price to come up with the price in the NSXPrime pricing grids (the factors are under your control – A form is included to alter them.) A negative price factor means the asking price is LESS than the grid’s prediction. The mileage factor is a computation of the percentage variation from 5000 miles/year. Since mileage is a computation and you can control the price/grade definition, you should be able to use this little application well into the future. You control the letter grades from A+ to F – which determine the price factor, and the final rankings.

The navigation buttons on the form’s bottom allow you to scroll the database, add, edit and delete records, and find NSXs according to your search variables – i.e. VIN, dates, color, price, mileage, etc. You can also combine two criteria. Many of you will probably want to delete most or all my entries and make them your own.

The second tab can hold a picture of the subject NSX. Attaching the picture is a PITA, but considering what you are doing, it is pretty cool. Essentially you have to transfer a picture from the internet onto your computer, and then tell the AnalyNSX application where it is so you can see it. Instructions are on the second tab, and I hope you’ll be able to follow them. Email me or call me if you need help. It may help to remember the program is installed in C:\Program Files\GeeksRus\AnalyNSX and you should [read must] put NSX pictures in C:\Program Files\GeeksRus\AnalyNSX\Graphics. The process is a copy and two pastes. The first paste is into Windows Explorer [NOT INTERNET explorer] in the above directory, and the second paste is into the Picture entry box on tab 2. Remember to specify the file extension on the bottom box. You may have to open and close the application to be able to see the picture.

The output form can be printed, or simply viewed on the screen. To see or print the form, you first press the Generate Output Form button – then the report will pop up a short time latter, depending on the horsepower in your computer. This is where all the computations and rankings occur. There is only one output form right now, but I wouldn’t be averse to writing more.

The data is kept in a FoxPro V8.0 data base container called NSX.DCT. If you create an ODBC connection to this data base, you can get the date into Excel [or anything else you want] and have at it. You may create any report or analysis that seems appropriate. Crystal Reports will also connect directly to Fox Data.

I gotta go. Try it out, see what you think, let me know Best holiday wishes to all.:)
