An oil filter can't make such a difference....or can it?

6 July 2004
It's been three wonderful months since I got my 05. Although I only put 350 miles on her, I decided to do an oil change yesterday. I did an oil change on the week of delivery with the shorty filter that I picked up from the local Acura. I received a dozen of the Denzo filters just last month, and that's what I put on yesterday. I was surprised that something felt different right away. Everything seems a bit smoother, especially in 1st gear. When the car was cold sometimes it could feel a little rough in first gear at low rpm. Now it's silk smooth. The NSX was flawless, but now it feels perfect. Maybe it's because the morning is warmer now, or maybe it's just my imagination. But I still want to thank the folks who recommended those filters and all the information they posted.
LMAO - Let's see - You changed your oil filter and your shifting is smoother - HMMMM, maybe it's time to see a car shrink - or see a shrink about your car. Thanks for the belly laugh.
It's been three wonderful months since I got my 05. Although I only put 350 miles on her, I decided to do an oil change yesterday. I did an oil change on the week of delivery with the shorty filter that I picked up from the local Acura. I received a dozen of the Denzo filters just last month, and that's what I put on yesterday. I was surprised that something felt different right away. Everything seems a bit smoother, especially in 1st gear. When the car was cold sometimes it could feel a little rough in first gear at low rpm. Now it's silk smooth. The NSX was flawless, but now it feels perfect. Maybe it's because the morning is warmer now, or maybe it's just my imagination. But I still want to thank the folks who recommended those filters and all the information they posted.

Congrats on the new ride but,

3- months and only 350 miles, man you have to get out and drive that thing. I just did an 1100 mile round trip to Death Valley this past weekend and it was three days of driving bliss!:smile:

Ahhhhh placebo....:wink: unless of course the oil you replaced was a 50 weight oil and the new oil is 30 ....
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No, no.... watched a completely impartial Royal Purple video where they added the oil and the car gained like 83 hp. No really. OK, they claimed 5hp but still not buying it. :tongue:
If the car feels significantly smoother with just an oil change and only 350 miles in 3 months, then the oil you started out with was probably already degraded or was lower quality. I only drive my NSX on the weekends and really don't notice a huge difference in performance after an oil change. However, my daily driver feels a lot better after an oil change since I average about 1000 miles per month on that car.
When I wash and wax my NSX I swear I can feel the engine rev faster. I dont know if its me but I swear its the sexy car showing off its new shine.
When I wash and wax my NSX I swear I can feel the engine rev faster. I dont know if its me but I swear its the sexy car showing off its new shine.

Your right, it does seem to run much better when it's cleaned up!

So does my Minivan!:biggrin:

Congrats on the new ride but,

3- months and only 350 miles, man you have to get out and drive that thing. I just did an 1100 mile round trip to Death Valley this past weekend and it was three days of driving bliss!:smile:


When I wash and wax my NSX I swear I can feel the engine rev faster. I dont know if its me but I swear its the sexy car showing off its new shine.

Now that's interesting. Sometimes when people wash their NSXs, water gets down in the coils and the engine actually revs worse. You must have one of those special NSXs. :wink:
Oil can change the HP in a car but nothing noticable on a street car. Im talking all out drag cars in the 1000whp range.

Congrats on your new car
LMAO - Let's see - You changed your oil filter and your shifting is smoother - HMMMM, maybe it's time to see a car shrink - or see a shrink about your car. Thanks for the belly laugh.

Let's see - I never said my shifting becomes smoother. The word "shifting" never appeared in my post. I said "When the car was cold sometimes it could feel a little rough in first gear at low rpm". Rather you read it wrong or I was not clear enough, it is obvious that your intention was not to educate nor being helpful. Your intention was to misinterpret something and laugh at it. I also said "it could be my imagination", and my intention was to thank the people who helped me out and referred me to such a product when I found out the NSX OEM filter was discontinued.

Congrats on the new ride but,

3- months and only 350 miles, man you have to get out and drive that thing. I just did an 1100 mile round trip to Death Valley this past weekend and it was three days of driving bliss!:smile:


The NSX is my daily driver. My office is only 1.7 miles away from my house so I average 80 miles a month unless I go on road trips. Plus I also own a E60 M5 and a 370Z.
Hey Jas,

When I change my oil it feels better too. It doesn't last long but it feels better initially - oil only stays new for a few weeks. That feel goes away after a while or after some use. Speaking of use - would you do me a favor - get out there and drive that car - man - it's spring time - take off and give it a proper workout/test and get some real quality seat time and then you'll really begin to love it.

After that though - you'll need to drive it more often cause you'll begin to get used to it and want that thrill more often. Glad you are enjoying your car - I drive mine at least 3 or 4 times a week and every other week I take it out for a "spirited" drive! That's when I come back in and say WOW - now that's a sports car!!!!!!!! You need to keep refreshing that smile on your face dude! :biggrin: Have fun and be safe!
besides because of newer oil, the engine will rev smoother and run quieter for a little while after an oil change because you just dumped a bunch of oil all over the camshaft(s?) of one side of the engine (the side that has the oil filler cap).
I noticed the same thing on both my M3 and my NSX - after an oil change, the engine purrs a little smoother. It is definitely noticeable, esp when I'll drop it off in the morning at the dealer's, and pick it up after a couple of hours.

I have also noticed the same effect when I take either car for a long highway drive (like 3+ hours on the highway), as opposed to constant stop and go city traffic.

I think it has something to do with the fact that gunk builds up somewhere, and an oil change and/or a long drive flushes the gunk out.

I'm no mechanic. I don't pretend to know why it runs smoother. I just know that it does - not a HUGE difference, but enough to be noticeable.

Don't mind the naysayers ...
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Jas, your impressions are not strange at all...

When I was in High School (1968), I installed a set of head rests in my '62 Chevy Impala 2-door hardtop. I was absolutely convinced that the car was faster. :wink:
I swear my turning signal blinks faster after I go potty! True story!!!

I do notice my car has days when it's in a better mood... Weird

Jason, man, what's up dude. That is soooo crazy man. Your blinkers - geez.

Cars do run better on certain days but it has to do with temperature and humidity levels - not Where you been anyway - you been flying? How's your back?
I swear my turning signal blinks faster after I go potty! True story!!!

I do notice my car has days when it's in a better mood... Weird

The turn signals blinking faster means your almost out of blinker fluid...and I thought you took care of your NSX...

Jas I feel ya, everycar I have driven when you do an oil change, has that feeling, almost like better throttle response, not faster, but I guess as you put it smoother.