an invitation to come autocross in san antonio on nov 7th and 14th

22 July 2007
Austin, TX

i just wanted to let y'all know that there is a fantastic autocross coming up after this halloween weekend:

sunday, november 14th, at the san antonio raceway just east of san antonio on I-10... it is a joint event hosted by SPOKES: and SASCA:

(i just edited this post: originally there were 2 autocrosses... one of the 7th and another on the 14th. the one on the 7th had to be canceled because of a venue scheduling conflict. as a result the event on the 14th is a joint event between the 2 clubs!)

i know NSXs have a bad rap when it comes to autocrossing, but i promise you, the car is more than capable! i competed at the national level with the NSX this year and did pretty well. at the last 2 autocrosses in san antonio, i have not just won my class, but won the overall event too!

point being... it is a blast! it is cheap ($25). it barely wears tires/brakes (unlike a track day). and you know the car was made for competition!!

both clubs prefer for you to pre-register... but it is not necessary! just show up at 8am on each sunday with your car and $25. if you have a helmet, bring it, or there are loaner helmets available for free!

so come out and play :)
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