An Apology...

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
I wish to apologize to all the members of NSXPrime who weren't in any way a part of the degradation towards me over the weekend. I tried to keep my cool as long as possible while several members felt it funny to poke humor at the expense of my reputation. There is only so much a person can take and the threshold was broken. I said some mean things, and I don't take back what I said, but rather how I said it.

I also would like to publicly apologize (again) to Lud, Anytime, KGP and any other moderator for the things I said. Anger sometimes gets the best of us and I was pretty angry to see the things allowed to go on (especially since a moderator started one of the threads...even though humor was his reasoning, it went south). The above do a great job at running this site and I know on numerous occasions I've appreciated the wealth of knowledge available through the FAQs and other members.

So once again, I'd like to apologize to everyone not involved in the condescending posts targeted at me over this weekend. In the end, the people who started the mentioned threads did nothing but waste bandwidth, your time and their own. I'll most likely get suspended for what's happened, and I'm fine with that because I still don't regret what I said, just how I said it.

Sorry again guys.
No problem here. I too apologize for starting a thread that ended up in name calling, where the only intent was to stir the Off-Topic pot and have a few laughs amongst fellow enthusiasts. Prime is mostly a close-knit community, and sometimes what a person writes is not always taken in the same context the writer intended. I hope nobody took the thread as an attempt to degrade 2x2.
I have no idea what happened either.....but it will all be cool in the end. :)
I am assuming it was the who won the bet thread, but I missed all of it as I was out of town. I don't see it as an active thread anymore. :confused:

Like I said, I don't know what happened, but you have always been nothing but helpful to all that have asked.
jlindy said:
I am assuming it was the who won the bet thread, but I missed all of it as I was out of town. I don't see it as an active thread anymore.

I missed all of it too ! :(

OK, I have to know...Who won the bet finally ? Just kidding ;) :D :D :D