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I believe that the NSX alternator is specific to the NSX which is why both new and rebuilds are close to un obtanium; but, I also believe that there are other alternators that can be made to fit.

If the only issue is whining that is likely bearings and that is not a difficult repair.  However, while I am in there I would probably do the brushes also.   This is not high precision surgery, particularly a bearing replacement.   An internet search will get you lots of vendors claiming to do repairs close to you.  However, check out the 1991 service manual starting on page 23-107.  No special tools required other than perhaps an impact wrench.   You don't even need to separate the pulley from the alternator if it is the rear bearing.   A little scrounging with Mr. Google will get you a couple of reputable vendors selling bearings, brushes ... if you want to do this yourself.
