I'm having a low voltage problem with my alternator. My battery light hasn't come on yet, but when first staring the car cold start, it doesn't jump past 12.5Volts on the gage like it use to. When the engine warms its just below 12V mark like 11.8~11.9V.
I'm going to check the charging system against the shop manual to see if indeed that is the problem. I replaced my battery less a year with a new Optimal yellow top. I think the battery is keeping my battery light from going on it been one amazing battery. The alternator hasn't failed yet, but I'm sure its just a matter of time now. Hopefully I have some time to get it fixed.
Here are Some Questions I'm trying to answer:
I heard some rumors that the alternator is same as an alternator in a V6 Accord or Legend?
Has anyone rebuilt the alternator?
Is there a kit avail from Acura?
Would it be eaiser to just buy a new one or try to get my old one rebuilt?
Any tips or suggestions?
I'm going to check the charging system against the shop manual to see if indeed that is the problem. I replaced my battery less a year with a new Optimal yellow top. I think the battery is keeping my battery light from going on it been one amazing battery. The alternator hasn't failed yet, but I'm sure its just a matter of time now. Hopefully I have some time to get it fixed.
Here are Some Questions I'm trying to answer:
I heard some rumors that the alternator is same as an alternator in a V6 Accord or Legend?
Has anyone rebuilt the alternator?
Is there a kit avail from Acura?
Would it be eaiser to just buy a new one or try to get my old one rebuilt?
Any tips or suggestions?