Also hello

28 January 2007
Melbourne, Australia
I too am new - starting my road to NSX ownership.:biggrin:

Like a small number of others on this site I live in(Melbourne) Australia where NSX's are few and expensive. I used to own a Porsche 911 until 3 years ago but I had made a mistake and bought a targa and the roof never fitted properly.:mad: The Porsche was fun but also in reality not much for close to A$50k.

Since shortly after selling the Porsche I have been enjoying a Honda Insight which I believe borrowed from the NSX for its structural design and was until last year made in the same factory.

But I really want another sports car - something special - and I think an NSX may be it. However, my budget will only run to an early car so I believe I will have to be patient to get one that has been well cared for and is right for me.

Having visited this site a few times I'm now going to visit a few cars for sale and compile my "checklist" and questions. I hope that the many helpful enthusiasts here on NSX Prime can assist me with some answers.

Cheers and thanks to all for a great site.
Hi and welcome to the site,

If you want something special then the NSX is the right car. There should be someone from melbourne here on the site. If you post in the international thread you may find someone willing to show you their car and maybe take you for a ride.

Good luck and do lots of searching of the forums and research the FAQ.

Welcome (again :D )

We've already prepared a welcome thread for you <A HREF="">here</A> in the international forum. You're getting special treatment, LOL.