Alpine CHA-S 634

15 May 2004

The Alpine CHA-S 634 supports self-burned MP3-CD's. Does the head-unit work with them?
If yes, then it's time to update. :)

Is it correct that the later S634 has build in M-bus support, and therefore doesn't need the cable?
Thank you very much, D'Ecosse. :) Very good install instruction! As I'm completly new to mp3 what would you choose: 128 or 96 rate to convert to mp3. 96 is called nearly CD-quality. In a car I'm not sure if I can hear any difference, especially with the BOSE. :)

DutchBlackNsx said:
Is it correct that the later S634 has build in M-bus support, and therefore doesn't need the cable?
It does support M-bus (that is what the switch is for in step 8 of the instructions) - it has to as the OEM head uses the M-Bus system, unlike the newer Alpine equipment which uses Ai-Net; but you [U]DO[/U] need the cable(s) (remember - you need two separate adapters) to exercise using that option - the cable for M-Bus & Ai-Net are completely different.

goldNSX said:
...As I'm completly new to mp3 what would you choose: 128 or 96 rate to convert to mp3. 96 is called nearly CD-quality. In a car I'm not sure if I can hear any difference, especially with the BOSE....
(Just to be sure not to claim any credit for the installation instructions - these are not mine! Credit is due to nsxxtreme)

I think you already understand the higher the compression (lower bit-rate) then the more original elements you lose. Of course the advantage is you can get more tracks on a single disc with the higher compression - you should still be able to get in the order of 150 tracks (depending on initial recording length) on a single disc however, even at 128, which transposes to almost 1000 in your 6-pack magazine.
I would not use anything less than 128 personally & typically use a higher rate. You may be correct in that lower compression rates beyond this level may not be discernible but I would test to find out what suits your equipment & more importantly, your own ears! If I am demo'ing my system to others I NEVER play mp3's as you just don't get the same reproduction on a good system (which I immodestly claim mine to be!)
I would recommend you try your own experiment - try several different compressions on each of a couple of tracks of varied music genre & then listen to them and see if you can tell any discernible difference. Then go with what your audible preference tells you.
goldNSX said:
As I'm completly new to mp3 what would you choose: 128 or 96 rate to convert to mp3. 96 is called nearly CD-quality. In a car I'm not sure if I can hear any difference, especially with the BOSE. :)
I use a bit rate that gives good performance anywhere, not just on an NSX stereo.
As long as I'm going to the trouble of encoding dozens of files, I make them good
enough that I'll be satisfied with them anywhere, any time.

Variable bit rate has advantages over fixed bit rate. Not each frame needs the
same amount of bits to encode at any given quality. I use LAME with -V1,
which gives an average bit rate a little over 200 (depending on program
material). Overkill, but that's OK with me. It gets me about 100 tracks
per CDROM.
Just installed this Alpine changer today in my '95 with two adapters. It works great and I think it sounds much better than the factory unit.
I've installed the Alpine S-634 today. Cool thing! I had the Honda-CD charger before and replaced it. A first soundcheck didn't reveal that I needed the ACUALP adapter. It sounds in phase not out of phase. I have a Test-CD to check it again.
Another question concerning mp3. I have the Musicmatch Jukebox Plus software to create mp3-files of my CD's. The tracks are called 'Interpreter - track 1' and so on. If I'd like to mix different CD's on ONE mp3-CD (like all Pink Floyd-CD's) do I have a problem with the filename?

goldNSX said:
....A first soundcheck didn't reveal that I needed the ACUALP adapter. It sounds in phase not out of phase...
Please don't operate it like that Thomas - you really need to get the adapter!
D'Ecosse said:
Please don't operate it like that Thomas - you really need to get the adapter!
The adapter only switches PIN 2 and 4, isn't it? Quite difficult to get the adapter in Europe.
Without the adapter your left and right speakers will be out of 180 out of phase, I purchased the two adapters and installed the stereo but it didnt sound right, I did a pin out,and to my dismay the adapter was wired (wire for wire) insted of having pins 2-4 reversed. If you cant get the cable maybey you could switch the wires internally in the cha -634.
icefire said:
I seem to have problem downloading the instruction PDF file. Did anybody else encounter the same problem?
No, the download works fine.
You're right, Ken. I've tested it with me test-CD. It's out of phase. But mp3 files seem to be in phase. Where to get the adapter in Europe?
They like $100 transportation fee for a $15 cable! That really hurts! I don't think it's that much for such a small thing that finds it's place in a envelope.
goldNSX said:
The adapter only switches PIN 2 and 4, isn't it? Quite difficult to get the adapter in Europe.
Yes this is true. In fact, I have never used the adaptor myself. I have always just opened up the DIN cable and made the swap myself. Saves be $20 and only takes a few minutes and a soldering iron.