ALMS/World Challenge at Infineon?

17 February 2000
San Francisco, CA
Anyone going? The current plan is I will be racing in Touring car. As of right now, I'm registered. However, there are still a couple hurdle I need to overcome before I make the race, but I'm optimistic.

Thanks to Titaniumdave for picking up the LSD that the shipper screwed up and ship it somewhere else.

And I'm still crossing my finger that Realtime actually doing what they said and send me the cams overnight.
I'll try to make it as well. BTW, are you still running my NSX injectors in your Honda? :biggrin:
Dinan M3 said:
I'll try to make it as well. BTW, are you still running my NSX injectors in your Honda? :biggrin:

Actualy, I don't. It is Kenji's now :)

Thanks a bunch for the injectors. They work great. I still owe you a lunch, and I didn't forget that. Give me a call if you ever in the city. Email me for my cell number.