ALMS Lime Rock - Photos

28 March 2002
Thanks to Acura for sponsoring our corral and hospitality tent today. Thanks also to our Senior Member, Peter Mills, for organizing a great event and to our attendees for showing up in force to support our Acura teams. Finally, thanks and congratulations to Duncan Dayton and Highcroft Racing for their podium finish.

As always, more photos will be uploaded throughout the night but I just had to beat Tony D again to get the first photo uploaded........






























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Peter Mills brings back the Lime Rock event with a VENGEANCE!

Way back when Peter (1999?) had a event at Lime Rock where we had the honor of parade laps.

Today it was back! President Larry and Acura went one better and made sure the rest of the country had the same wonderful experience at the other ALMS races throughout the county and get a inkling of what it must be like to own a NSX and live in the North East!

These guys ROCK!

Thanks to you Larry and Peter and Acura for this awesome day!

Corvettes, Porsche,Audi and BMW owners were treated to a beautiful display of one of the finest cars ever built, a timeless design. They are still borrowing from it and calling the results "new".

Thanks again guys.
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What an excellent day!

Some add'l parade lap photos:





Mass. NSXs staging at the Charlton rest area:


I've got a parade lap video as well, as soon as I get it uploaded to photobucket, I'll post a link.

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Thanks to Peter, Acura, and Dunkin for coordinating a truly awesome day for us. What an experience.

Great pictures as always RSO, you are very talented. I'm wondering if you also got any of the vintage Porsches or any of the other unique cars there? I will post mine later but I am just a point and shoot rube and they are nowhere as nice as your photos.
Great photos as usual Bob, loved the ones of the front tires lifting, just awesome photography. Thanks Peter, Larry, Highcroft, Acura and all who had a hand in making yesterday such a fantastic event/day. Tony D, just post the pictures that Bags took, your's just won't be worth it!!!
I had a great day and enjoyed seeing everyone. Thanks to everyone who donated there time and helped set this up. The seminars were enlightening and pretty funny thanks to Doc John and a few others for there comments during there speech. The best was Doc Johns comment during the tire session

TIRE REP: "Most people dont push there cars to the limit and pull those kind of G's"

DOC JOHN: " WE DO !!!"

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Well anyway here are some of the pics I shot .

Enjoy the album

I also have two parade lap videos one from the camera I mounted on the pace car and one from my in car cam here is the first one. I speeded this one up so it would at least seem that we were going fast.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
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NSX parade lap video. We were behind Turbo2Go. Taken with a hand held camera, so there's a bit of shakiness, but my copilot did his best. Enjoy.

Now that Bailey has provided his seminar on correct inflation pressures, we send you back to your regular programming.........











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Great photos as usual Bob, loved the ones of the front tires lifting, just awesome photography.

I owe Larry B a big thanks for the heads up about those chicane shots. I had run back to our cars from the esses when it looked like rain with 11 minutes left and Larry pointed out the chicane to me with just two minutes left to so I was glad I could grab a couple of quick shots.
I had to run to drop some one off at airport and didn't stay too long, but here are some pics.

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I had to run to drop some one off at airport and didn't stay too long, but here are some pics.

Dave I love you man !!!

Thanks for the snaps .... I am sure like anyone else its great to see a pic of your car. I supplied the video cam for the pace car and only seen my car in the end....ugh.

What an all around great day; from a beautiful morning run where I was just swept away by serene views of morning fog nestled in the valleys of rolling hills, lush with summer greenery, rivers dappled with sunlight, and the sweet curves of the Taconic Pkwy and Route 44. Thanks Doc John for leading the way, and the scintillating drive back home to PA. The day was great but the people made it even greater. Looking forwrd to running with ya J....and Sean get with the program man! Owning an NSX is simply and purely an application of intelligence.
Dave I love you man !!!

Thanks for the snaps .... I am sure like anyone else its great to see a pic of your car. I supplied the video cam for the pace car and only seen my car in the end....ugh.

np, It was an awsome day. I have some more pictues of more cars... If someone needs higher res picture (10MP) then you can click on the thumpnail and select "all sizes" to download biger res.

Here is link to the whole set.