ALMS GT2; how bad do you want it?

I watched in amazement as the Porsche drove the vette into the wall.The driver is a douche as he claimed to be "shook up" from the love tap at the apex of the final turn:rolleyes: Love taps are common ,the vette was quicker, he payed for passing in the pit in lane and was still able to come back.imho the vette should have been awarded the win or at least some penalty against the dufus.
I should've stayed for the end of the race (bummer)! Good'ol hardcore racing if you asked me. I can understand why Bergmeister defended his line after an intentional bump from the vette. Even if the Vette would've won the race, Flying Liz team still won the GT2 season championship.
I watched in amazement as the Porsche drove the vette into the wall.The driver is a douche as he claimed to be "shook up" from the love tap at the apex of the final turn:rolleyes: Love taps are common ,the vette was quicker, he payed for passing in the pit in lane and was still able to come back.imho the vette should have been awarded the win or at least some penalty against the dufus.

But there was more history to the dual. In the beginning of the race, the Vette made a pass at the track out of turn 2 by pushing/force bumping the Porsche into the dirt. That was aggressive and unwarranted early in the race - and there was no flag or warning for the Vette. What goes around comes around in such hard ball racing with sponsors dollars and brand names to be touted as winners.
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:redface: I only watched the last hour of the I did not catch any peambles to this battle
But there was more history to the dual. In the beginning of the race, the Vette made a pass at the track out of turn 2 by pushing/force bumping the Porsche into the dirt. That was aggressive and unwarranted early in the race - and there was no flag or warning for the Vette. What goes around comes around in such hard ball racing with sponsors dollars and brand names to be touted as winners.

Agree with Hrant but also think there should be no room in racing for this type of behavior (both drivers). But I guess in the land of Nascar bumper cars and pit fist fights, anything goes and spectators sure love it.
Re: Yeah, a little ettiquette and respect

would be in order.

there should be no room in racing for this type of behavior (both drivers).

They need to rip the fenders off and race nekkid tires like real men.......they wouldn't be doing that $hit !!! :biggrin:
What a race! But it suxored that the Porsche did what it did at the end... I wonder if he truly intentionally wanted to push him in the wall... or just scare him to hit the brakes.

Was this 100% intentional and intelligent or was it a consequence of the adrenaline and fight/flight reflex, "Must win, erghghgh.."
I was honestly sort of ok with what happened to the Vette. I don't wish an accident for anyone, but that guy had it coming. From nearly hitting a lapped Porsche to tapping the lead Porsche to get the lead, to apparently what was an unsafe move early in the race which I hadn't seen... the guy was asking for an accident, and he got one. I just felt like tapping him off line and causing the rear to slide on the last corner to get by would've been a cheap way to win the race.
Re: The Red Mist and unsportsmanslike moves

Was this 100% intentional and intelligent or was it a consequence of the adrenaline and fight/flight reflex, "Must win, erghghgh.."

It's called the red mist and is made up of adrenaline and anger, which means it was 100% intentional, but never intelligent. The red mist is categorically a detriment to a race driver's performance and I can't believe Bergmeister succumbed to it.

I may need to watch the whole race to see the alleged Magnusson infractions, but I'm personally disappointed that at least one penalty was not meted out to Bergmeister for his unsportsmanlike conduct. That move was not defensive; it started out to be blocking and turned out to be recklessly dangerous when the Corvette was past. But, no penalty has been assessed that I've heard. :mad: It's not right but it can be a problem even down to club racing where my race group is resorting to peer pressue on the bad actors. :mad:
Re: Hrant, gotta disagree

In the beginning of the race, the Vette made a pass at the track out of turn 2 by pushing/force bumping the Porsche into the dirt. That was aggressive and unwarranted early in the race - and there was no flag or warning for the Vette. What goes around comes around in such hard ball racing with sponsors dollars and brand names to be touted as winners.

I don't think that early Corvette move compares to the last lap crash. They were side by side and the Corvette, after a clean and admirable move, had essentially claimed the line and would naturally track out there anyway. He didn't leave him racing room but he didn't purposfully bang the Porsche and put him into the wall. It was an aggressive but accepted racecraft move IMHO. If it was a Skip Barber school race, yeah, something would be said, but for pro racing? No harm, no foul.

However, in the last lap, the Porsche had no business going where he went, driving the Corvette into the wall and then hitting him. That appeared to be deliberate with serious injury possible. It was red mist, not racecraft. :mad: Inexcusable.
Tedro, I am not disagreeing that what Bergmeister did was not aggressive. And I don't agree that it was redmist. He not only acknowedged that he forced the block but also said why. Something along the line: "I have been in this game/situation before and I was not going to have any of this and let him win with a deliberate bumo ....."

It seems my review of the video is slightly different that nothers. I thought the Vette in the begining of the race did make an aggressive move by pushing the Porsche - I note this because it was early in the race and such aggressive drive was not warranted. As for the last lap clip, Bergmeister raced him clean all the way till turn 11; then he initially tried to respond by throwing a block given the bump - harmless as those who want to claim it was just racing but enough to cause Magnusson to get an advantage coming out. Not sure if that would still classify as sportmans bump. Magnusson - eqaully aggressively - and knowing this was to the checkered flag, did not get the hint of being blocked and forced himslef between the hot pit wall and Porsche and dared Bergmeister who continued the squeeze based on the dare. Perhspas in slow motion it will show that as Magnusson kept squeezing himslef in that narrow space as it closed, he hit the paddock wall as much as Bergmeister didn't give him room.

As I said, I don't condone this sort of driving, but these are the big boys and there is more in stake than just sporstman behavior.
What is IMSA saying about this? I reviewed the video and everyone (including the announcer) knew Mag was going to try to bump/spin Berg in a desperation move for the win. His tactic obviously backfired, but it could of easily been Berg cashing instead. DRAMA...

BTW- the same thing happened to me last night racing at RPM.
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I was not sure how much drama there would be at this season's ALMS finals, but I was certainly glad I DVR'd and watched the whole race. Totally exciting finish!