Almost got myself in a pickle!!

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
Yeah it totally sucks I was almost jumped by some punks a couple of hours ago. I could smell trouble right when I entered the block. I saw these stupid kids get up start to walk in my direction and one of these idiots says "You have 50 cents" I say "Yeah, but I need it to get something", because they could hear the change in my pants anyways.

I continue walking and the oldest one goes "Better give me 50 cents when you come out".

Just to tell you I did this for my sister because she wanted some stupid Rum Raisin ice cream.

Well I get the Rum Raisin Ice Cream and I leave the store and when I look at where the kids was, now there is another kid in a red shirt with a wooden stick. Once I got out I knew something was going to happen, but they already knew I came out because once I got out of the store, they started to stand up and walk towards me. I just walked up to them, because they were in my path and I told them all I had was 35 cents nothing else, I lied I actually, had a quarter in my left pocket and I put it there so it wouldn't jingle when I walked away. During this you could here his sister or girl friend say in the background "Leave him alone he doesn't deserve this" Well, after I gave them the money, I just started to walk away. And you could here her say something about how they should stop bothering me.

I just continued walking away trying to not look nervous or afraid of them, which I believe, if I did would provoke them to take advantage of me. They started to follow me, while I walked home and they made a comment about how they were going to get 50 cents from me, so I replied to make them believe that I realy wasn't nervous "I told you already I don't have anything left" in a firm voice. Once I said that I turned into my block and continued walking home I heard them say something else, but this time I was too far away to hear them because they decided to buy something with the 35 cents I gave them. So that was the end of this little problem.

I'm just glad nothing happened, only problem this city has is some of these *hispanic teens* (I'm a hispanic teen myself) are so, want to be tough guys, but all they do is give this city "Lawrence" a bad name. That is the only reason why Lawrence is seen as a bad city because of us, our generation.

I'm just mad and kind of feel wierd because I don't know if I was lucky or just did the correct thing in my situation.

Tell me, did my actions help me or were they totaly wrong and I am lucky I didn't get hurt. Should I continue and life and jus hope nothing happens or should I contact he police and just get myself in more problems to deal with.
You did the right thing. There are times when you should stand up for yourself, there are other times when the numbers are against you or that you are simply outgunned. Its important to learn when to walk away.
Yeah I was totaly outnumbered I didnt put it in the description of the event, but there were about 5 other guys too. Yeah I just tried to stay calm not provoke anything and to stand my grounds. I gave them what they wanted and just minded my own buisness.

I'm just glad nothing happend.
For the reccord, I think you did the right thing by avoiding a confrontation, MR. I am also relieved that you were not hurt. However, I'm still miffed that you were victimized. :mad: My question is, where are these kids' parents/guardians? They ought to be more involved in their childrens' lives, especially now that bullying has been shown to be a serious business. Look at all those kids who've been bullied a little too much or pushed over the edge, and subsequently erupted in violence at their tormentors and innocent bystanders using deadly firearms. If I were a parent, I would keep very strict tabs on my child's whereabouts and who (s)he hangs out with, just as my parents did with me.

Anyway, I applaud you for not stooping to their level, and hope for your continued safety.
Why would you risk your life for 50 cents?
Just give them the money.

Unless you were cornered, you should run if the situation is getting worse.
well I did give them money, just not 50 cents and I needed to it get my sister some ice cream if you read it. If I came with nothing my sister will know something happend then she would make me tell her, and then she will probably tell my mother, which will then overexaggerate and won't even let me out of the house.

You get it I just made it seem like all I had was 50 and I needed it to get something for my family.
Well that really sucks. I've come across situations like this before, but at clubs. You know, where people start acting tough b/c they are in a group. :rolleyes: But if you were there with 5 guys and they were by themselves, nothing! I don't get it.
Oh, and you did the right thing. I myself would have been tempted to fight, but I used to box when I was a kid and I have a crazy temper. But remind yourself, some people have no sense. You could have gotten hurt/killed, and for what? 50cents? Good luck bro and be careful!

Watch your back from now on, especially when you're going back to the same store. If these kids hang out at the same place everytime, then you are now a target.
Yeah but once school starts, I won't need to go to the store because my sister or mother won't want me to go to the store for them. And with time they will forget me and forget I even exist.

Anyways I don't care I was the second fastest distance runner in my High school and can do a mile in 5:03 minutes, I don't think they can stay with me if running has to do with it. They would just give up probably like 1 block away. Heck I know a neck brace that will make a bodybuilder fall to the floor and cry like a baby. Of course I wouldn't just start to attack or run when I get there but it depends on the situation.
insx said:
Why would you risk your life for 50 cents?
Just give them the money.

Unless you were cornered, you should run if the situation is getting worse.

I guess owners of green 94's think alike! :p

I have been in this situation before. Once in NY on 5th Ave and once in Miami. In NY I took the money out and while handing it to the mugger I purposely dropped it. This gave me a good head start to get the hell out of there and into a safe store where there was security. In Miami I was with my older step brother. There were five guys total. My brother instructed me to run and I did. The five guy beat my brother unconscious cut off his right eyebrow (still scared over till this day) and stripped him naked. I dislike big cities for this reason.