Allow myself to introduce...myself

4 September 2009
All over the world bitches
Well I've been surfing this site for around 8 months now and finally decided to register lol. My name is Derek, originally from Lafayette Louisiana. I've been in the Air Force now for around 5 years, stationed in The Netherlands. Here recently after getting promoted to Staff Sgt I have a little bit of money to play with:biggrin:.

For a while I was pretty torn on what I wanted to do with my current/future car situation. Right now I have a 05 Si hatch that only has around $4k left on her. Don't get me wrong I love my little bastard step child from Honda. Its just in the back of my mind I know no matter how much money I pour into this thing I'll never be satisfied and know that Im still just driving a Civic.

So for me it was a choice of the 3 big dogs: NSX, Supra, Rx7. Well very quickly after doin research on the RX7, that choice went down in flames after reading how unreliable the engine was(always heard the rumor). So it was left to the Supra and NSX. Everything I wanted in my new toy pointed towards the Supra. Yet there was always that little voice in the back of my head saying Honda. Thinking to myself if I had a well done Supra and a bone stock NSX drove up, how would I feel?? very small..:redface:
NSX it is baby..

Like I said before, I've been reading ALOT on these forums and I absolutely love it here. Todays car forums have turned into a place of straight hating and bashing. People(sometimes w/o even owning a car) come home from work get online and become an "all knowing" critic. Seeing how much you guys help each other is awesome and I cant wait to meet some of you. But this is where I stop blabbering. To all the grammer police just wanted to say sorry and dont flame too much:wink: PEACE!
Welcome, and have fun.:smile:
So for me it was a choice of the 3 big dogs: NSX, Supra, Rx7. Well very quickly after doin research on the RX7, that choice went down in flames after reading how unreliable the engine was

Welcome to the forums! You have inadvertently opened Pandoras Box here :( I fear you will soon be visited by Batman, our resident FD expert and super fan! :D We tease because we love! :tongue:
Lot's of fun here and a bunch of guys that really help you out when in need. I'm a new owner too like a few others and the NSX is a great car - you'll hear that a lot - except for Batman - he has a love/hate relationship with the cars. He's got a lot of smarts though. Like another said we kid him but he let's us have it too - great group here.

This is the place to find your NSX. Hope you join us soon - welcome to Prime!:wink:
Welcome aboard. I lurked here for about a year and only joined a week or two before purchasing my NSX too!

Now you mentioned the RX7 and the Supra, I've never really considered the NSX to be in the same class as them (it is a class above IMHO). I always considered the third of that trio to be the Nissan Z car.

Granted, I would much rather own a NSX over a Z car, hence why I bought one, but I just noticed you didn't mention it and I thought it was more in line with the RX7 and Supra.

Welcome aboard. As you've noticed, you'll find a great wealth of information here and plenty of friendly folks.

Welcome to Prime. Searching for an NSX? It is still a buyer's market. Good luck on your search.

BTW, thanks for your service in the Air Force, and congrats on your promotion.:cool:
BTW, thanks for your service in the Air Force, and congrats on your promotion.:cool:

I second that....just got my USAF Veteran plates for my NSX today!
Well you dissapointed me with your very first post. The title says "Allow me to introduce myself", I open it and I see the Avatar... and I'm thinking that is you... YES!!!! About time this forum got a member like that.... then you say your name is Derek.... I'm a bit distressed, but... whatever... I think "maybe she's from some south American country where Derek is a girl's name"... you know... there was Bo Derek, maybe you are Derek Bo....

Then you say you are from Louisianna, and kill my South American hottie image... then you say you are in the airforce and my bonfire of hope whittles down to a dim flashlight.... finally you say you are a seargent and well.... I have to face the facts.

You aren't the chick in your avatar. :mad:

I'm sorry. I would like to welcome you but need a few minutes to lament...
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To Turbo2GO:

You're killing me - lol! That was funny! We need more humor :wink:

What we really need is that avatar as a real person on Prime! Yowsah - but we'd all have to change our tone somewhat .......:biggrin:
To Turbo2GO:

You're killing me - lol! That was funny! We need more humor :wink:


Agreed. I recently read an article regrading laughter. Every time when a person laughs, they increase their life expectancy by 3 seconds. Laughter is a good thing.
Every time when a person laughs, they increase their life expectancy by 3 seconds

Yeah it also increases bloodflow to your.... tierod ... by... ummm... 3 inches.

That's what my doctor told me.
Good God guys, you sound like a bunch of Trek geeks, don't ya'll have your own women? Anyway, welcome aboard. I just got back from my HS reunion with the NSX, it was an 8 hour drive but really easy, much more comfortable on the long haul than I thought it would be. Good luck on the search.
Ok; to old news,

I'll speak for myself else I get in trouble. Yes I have my own woman and apparently yours looks like that Louisiana "avatar".....good for you!:biggrin:

Explain Trek geek? :confused: Hope you had a lot of good laughs at your HS reunion! Now your life span is longer and so is your ......tierod apparently! :eek::wink:
Mine is actually blonde, yes I'm a lucky man, can't beat southern women. I had a great time at my reunion, it was like old times again. I was a good boy with the old girlfriends even though the wife wasn't there.:biggrin:
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Hope I didn't offend anyone with the geeks remark, she is a pretty girl in your avatar by the way.:biggrin:
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Please post some higher resolution pics of your avatar in the offtopic thread if you dont mind? ;)

"hottest girl u've ever seen" is the name... welcome to prime! :tongue:
The NSX, Supra and RX-7 were all designed with the same thing in mind. They aren't all supercars but if really want to knitpick you can even say an NSX isn't a supercar because of the engine size. The RX-7 is a great car with classic lines. The supra is more of an engineering marvel with the 2JZ engine being nearly indestructable. The NSX looks better than all of them. It is the only car that is mid-engined out of the group. The others including the Skyline/GTR are all front engine/Rear wheel drive. There is something cool about having a mid-engine car. The Supra just isn't as cool looking to me as the NSX. The NSX has the look that made it so desired in the 90's. I have seen some great RX-7 cars though that would make me want one. However, out of any Japanese sportscar I would take a Skyline GTR above all. It is the best car of the bunch without being mid-engined.