Alleged Hyundai Sonata Acceleration Malfunction!!!

13 July 2004
Bay Area (SF)
Reason i wont by a Hyundai

Web Link: Alleged Hyundai Sonata Acceleration Malfunction!!!

<object width='464' height='300' id='2325587' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' alt='Unintended Acceleration in'><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true' /></param><param name='flashvars' value='playerversion=12'></param><param name='movie' value=''></param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param><embed flashvars='playerversion=12' src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowFullScreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always' width='464' height='300'></embed></object><br><font size=1><a href='' target='_blank'>Unintended Acceleration</a></font><font size=1> - Watch More <a href="">Funny Videos</a></font>

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I'll never understand why people don't shut their cars off or slip them in the neutral.

I'd be willing to bet both of these are from driver error somehow, be it floor mats or pushing the gas instead of the brake...
What the hell? Just how hard is it to put the car in neutral? :confused: Hell I do it by accident at stop lights all the time just resting my hand on the shifter.
What the hell? Just how hard is it to put the car in neutral? :confused: Hell I do it by accident at stop lights all the time just resting my hand on the shifter.

People have become too disconnected from actually driving their cars. It's the end result of the appliance-ization of cars. People no longer see their cars as tools that they need to know how to use. They've just become something you use to be magically whisked away to a different location.

So when something unexpected happens, they panic and don't know what to do.
I'll never understand why people don't shut their cars off or slip them in the neutral.

I'd be willing to bet both of these are from driver error somehow, be it floor mats or pushing the gas instead of the brake...

I doubt its a floor mat issue.


"I have a 2009 Hyundai Sonata purchased new and currently have 55,000 miles. At approx 20-25,000 miles the car started misbehaving. When reaching a speed of anywhere from 40-65 mph, I would take my foot off the accelerator expecting my speed to reduce, only to have the car continue at the same speed all the while the RPMs would rapidly drop and immediately pick up though I stepped on the accelerator. The RPMs would continue to do this until I actually stepped on the brake drastically reducing my speed. I gave in and took the car to the dealer. $228.00 and a day later, I was told that I had a "Gummy Throttle Body" that they had to clean. Well, the car has just started behaving in the same manner! I am a single woman and don't want to be taken advantage of! Is there something that I should be doing differently in order to avoid this issue??? Is this a common issue with this car? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated! "
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What the hell? Just how hard is it to put the car in neutral? :confused: Hell I do it by accident at stop lights all the time just resting my hand on the shifter.

Yup! the first video, that accident could have been avoided by dong what you said or also turn OFF the ignition.

So when something unexpected happens, they panic and don't know what to do.

I agree with you 100% and just to add to that is maybe lack of experience.
Was reading more about this issue and some are finding problems with the throttle position sensor and/or ECM (engine control module) program issues.
