All My NSX Memorabila Gone :(

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
Due to my stupidity...

I had put over 50 magazines and books, which contained materials on NSXs, in a box and stored them in a storage. There must have been some kind of moisture in the storage.

I was doing spring cleaning and saw the box completely covered with mold. When I opened the box, everything was basically gone. I could not even save a single copy.. :mad: :frown:

I feel so stupid.
Im sorry to hear that Tiger ......was this is a self storage facility or your home ? Zip lock bags are your friend with magazines and collectables if you dont have access to a vacuum sealer.
Acura NsX Pilot said:
Im sorry to hear that Tiger ......was this is a self storage facility or your home ? Zip lock bags are your friend with magazines and collectables if you dont have access to a vacuum sealer.

Thank you. I'll do that if I can get my hands on some of the rare collectibles again :frown: