Aliens vs Predator: Which Movie Was Better?

Which Film do you think was better?

  • Aliens

    Votes: 27 71.1%
  • Predator

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • They both suck

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Can't judge; haven't seen them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "Plan 9 From Outer Space" ;-)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just let me practise my voting for the up-coming elections :-P

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
2 October 2001
What movie do you like more????


Register your votes guyz. :D

Also, if you had to go one-on-one against an Alien or a Predator, what would you take on. ;) (This question is for all the diehard fans out there :D )
NeoNSX said:
if you had to go one-on-one against an Alien or a Predator, what would you take on. ;) (This question is for all the diehard fans out there :D )

My reasoning is that it took Arnie, Jesse, Carl, etc to take out one Predator, but Sigourney pretty much took on the hive and queen by herself. Not to take anything away from her, but that sounds like a more 'doable' precedent for me. :D
On a movie level, they're both very satisfying flicks. But if I was forced to pick, Aliens would get a slim nod, but onlly VERY slightly. From effects to production design to story to directing, they're both very tight to me.

One thing, however, that I like about Aliens is that James Cameron set up a lot about the movie's universe that has proven to have longer legs.

Now, if we're talking a one on one matchup, Predator would hand an Alien Warrior's head on a platter. But Predator verses an Alien Queen.......hmmm, I don't know that one.

As for me taking on eighter one, assuming I have a firearm, I'd have to take on the Alien. The Predator would wipe the floor with my face (still connected to my spine).

I prefer the alien over the predator if cooked on the grill. However, if allowed to marinate for several hours the predators meat just falls off the bone. ;)
Re: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Which Movie Was Better?

FuryNSX said:
I forgot to ask before I logged my vote. Are you comparing Predator to Aliens, or the original Alien?

Alien<b>s</B> (2nd). If i included Alien/Aliens vs Predator 1/2, that would be unfair. Predator 2 is crap (IMHO :D ) and is already dated. You can watch Predator 1 even today and it's still awesome.

<B>Steveny</B> : you need to go on a liquid-only diet or stop looking at donwon's avatar. :D I thought Aliens had an exoskeleton (no bones, outside 'skin' acts as a skeleton) ... so your Alien BBQ might need some adjustments. The Aliens 'acid for blood' could give you indigestion if not cooked properly. :p
Re: Re: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Which Movie Was Better?

Originally posted by NeoNSX
Alien<b>s</B> (2nd). If i included Alien/Aliens vs Predator 1/2, that would be unfair.
Good, then I'm not changing my vote. I honestly don't care much for Alien. The movie just drags, IMO, and any of the shots of the alien walking look ludicrous. Aliens, on the other hand, rocks!!

NeoNSX said:
Predator 2 is crap (IMHO :D ) and is already dated. You can watch Predator 1 even today and it's still awesome.
Actually, Predator 2 ain't that bad. Any movie where I see Gary Busey get sliced in half is alright in my book. :D

As for Predator 1, that movie is being shown on cable all the time. AND I still watch it, even though I own the DVD.

BTW, as expected, a new Predator Widescreen Collector's Edition DVD is being released just before the release of AVP.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Which Movie Was Better?

Randy, you can't change your vote. :D

> Actually, Predator 2 ain't that bad. Any movie where I see Gary Busey get sliced in half is alright in my book. :D

LOL. Good point. I'm with you there. :D

I'm also with you on your comments about Alien; it's too slow. I understand that was part of the suspense of the movie, but i guess we're from Generation X... we want hardcore action!!! :D LET'S ROCK!!!!!!!!!! :D

> BTW, as expected, a new Predator Widescreen Collector's Edition DVD is being released just before the release of AVP.[/QUOTE]

Oh no... another temptation i'll have to avoid at the stores! :(

BTW, anyone else with the Predator DVD ... what did you think of the Deleted Scene of Arnold Schwarzenegger Fleeing Predator. hhahaa... i'm soooooo glad they removed that.

Alien is a classic. Old but very good. Aliens is to scary for me to watch at my age. I am afraid I have become a chicken after all these years. I enjoyed all the Alien(s) movies. Aliens was the best.

Predator was very good. Predator 2 was crap.

Aliens vs Predator. I really hate a Alien, but would have to say that I am a bit facinated of the Predator. Where the Alien is scary and frighting the Predator is scary but cool.

Does this makes sense?

Best quote from Predator: "I ain't got time to bleed". Jesse Ventura. :D :D

martin said:
Best quote from Predator: "I ain't got time to bleed". Jesse Ventura. :D :D

My two favourites

1. (Dutch and Dillon meet and grip in a heavy handshake)

Dutch: What's the matter? The CIA got you pushing too many pencils?

2. Dutch (to the predator): You're one ugly motherfucker.

"If it bleeds, we can kill it"

Yeah, but H.R. Giger's Alien has acid for blood!

Damn, Aliens all the way. I don't consider it even close. While I did enjoy Predator, Aliens pumped a lot more adrenalin, had considerably more meat to its story, and Ripley had a lot more depth than Dutch. Besides, James Cameron rocks!

"Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?"

"No, have you?"

If you were to ask me to put Alien vs Aliens, I'd have a much harder time. I love both films for different reasons. Alien was the scariest film I saw at the time. Ridley Scott rocks!
FuryNSX said:

Now, if we're talking a one on one matchup, Predator would hand an Alien Warrior's head on a platter

As for me taking on eighter one, assuming I have a firearm, I'd have to take on the Alien. The Predator would wipe the floor with my face (still connected to my spine).


I would say your right to a point Randy, but the strength in the Alien race is that they are much more powerful as a group, similar to a hive of bees or colony of ants.

And I think you would loose to the Alien because I can just see you sticking your nose (like when I won my car and you wanted to see it, LOL) into one of those eggs and getting one of those skull-fu*ker-crabs attaching to your face!
(ok, I just wanted to say skull-fu*ker-crabs):D
NemesisX said:
I would say your right to a point Randy, but the strength in the Alien race is that they are much more powerful as a group, similar to a hive of bees or colony of ants.

And I think you would loose to the Alien because I can just see you sticking your nose (like when I won my car and you wanted to see it, LOL) into one of those eggs and getting one of those skull-fu*ker-crabs attaching to your face!
Dang, you're harsh. :D

If you don't stop reminding me about that incident, I might have to post that pic after all. ;)
FuryNSX said:
Dang, you're harsh. :D

If you don't stop reminding me about that incident, I might have to post that pic after all. ;)

You best not mess with me...

Ill release one of those skull-f*cker-crabs into your room while you sleep, and unlike Ripley, I doubt you'll wake up in time....BUT even if you did, I think you would scream like Newt!!

Ripley: This little girl managed to survive months with those things out there...

Hudson: Well put her in charge!
Nah, i think Randy would squeal like Hudson... "They're coming outta the walls man!" ... but he'd die a hero too. :D Rock on Randy.

<B>NemesisX</B> : "skull-f*cker-crabs" ... you mean a facehugger? :rolleyes: :D

<B>akira3d</B> : i love that comeback by Vasquez too. when i saw Aliens in the cinema just 3 years ago, everybody roared laughing -- even though everyone there would have seen the film 20 times already. Absolute classic.

I can't believe you guys missed Jesse Ventura's other big line when offering tobacco to chew "This stuff will turn you into a sexual-Tyrannosaurus ... just like me". ;) Same could be said for the NSX.

Or Mac... sitting over Jesse's body... brooding with rage... "I'm gonna cut your name into him....I'm gonna cut your name into him.". So raw... love it.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say the upcoming Alien VS Predator movie. Best of both worlds :) This was why i was confused at the topic of your thread Neo!
I prefer the alien over the predator if cooked on the grill. However, if allowed to marinate for several hours the predators meat just falls off the bone.

HAHA. Taste like chicken.

I would have take on the predator, Kill you real qucikly and easily instead of slowly and Quatto Jr. busting out of your torso like Alien.

Hehe. "Open your mind'
I just hope that Alien vs Predator doesn't suck...the quality of these film franchises have dropped pretty significantly post-Cameron, Scott, and McTiernan.
akira3d said:
I just hope that Alien vs Predator doesn't suck...the quality of these film franchises have dropped pretty significantly post-Cameron, Scott, and McTiernan.


I hope it is good too. I just have to start now to find the guts to see it thoug :D

It will surely scare the living daylights out of me. Just the sound of the Predator (that "clicking" noise) makes me shiver :eek:
