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Alfa Rome Club Time Trials at Button Willow June 27 and 28.

27 May 2006
West San Gabriel Valley Area, CA
I'm going to this track event. I have been running with the Alfa Club several times this year and it is a lot of fun. Not too many idiots.

PM me if you would like more info.

Hello all,

Mt track weekend started out great, but at the end of the second session on the first day, my clutch began to slip. So in order to make it home without a tow, I retired my car for the weekend. However, not all was lost. My college fraternity brother who joined me at the track with his spec Miata race car, let me drive his car during my sessions for the rest of the weekend. The Miata was not very fast in the straits, but it stuck like glue in the corners. Ill post some PICS later.