Alberta NSX Club - Planning Thread

3 March 2006
Olds, AB
Like Red and others have said it's time to start an Alberta chapter.

A couple points...

Should we have seperate chapters for North and South, or one for all of Alberta?

Whether it's one or two chapters we'll need to have a couple guys who organize meets, car show booths, maybe track days, and whatever else we can think of.

How many of us are there? From the looks of it there are a fair bit of us.

Where could we get discounts, and who do we trust enough that discounts at their store matter.

Maybe we should think of what kind of meets would everyone be interested in, from Red's posts they meet even in winter, and they watch car movies.

Do we have enough guys that do track days to look into track insurance.

Now my 0.02

I think that we should have two seperate chapters, it's hard enough to get guys to come out to a meet in their own city let alone one 2 hours away. Maybe once a year we can all meet in the middle or make a trip to the mountains like the Alberta Porsche club does.

I'd be willing to help set up meets for the Calgary area guys, and I'm guessing there are a couple others, so speak up now, two or three guys should be good for each area.

As far as what kind of meets, I'm up for anything, I'm not really into show and shines, but for the larger ones having a large group of NSX's show up would be great.

So what does everyone else think, and let's do a roll call of Alberta guys.

Sinisfun - Cody Dyck - Calgary Area
95EagleAWD - Ryan Argue - Edmonton
ffffanman - Trevor Yacyshyn - Edmonton
Caveman - Dan ? - Edmonton
cwillgo - Will ? - Calgary
damthatbeaver - Greg ? - Calgary
rjmcmillan - ? - Calgary
Bigglezworth - Tim - Calgary
Maximumyield - Brent ? - Calgary
macready - ? - Edmonton
warrenw - ? - Edmonton
rorn - ? - Edmonton
jdizzle - ? - Calgary
Soloracer951 - Erik Dumas - Calgary
Alinjack - Warren - Edmonton
Prometheus - Albert - Edmonton
CokerRat - Darren - Calgary
NCC-1701D - Eddie - Edmonton
LUV2REV - Brady Dolan - ?

Sorry I forgot some names, I'm not very good with names.
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Why dont you start with one chapter so you can tell dealers or whomever that you have X members and you can do what you can to arrange events that are located where everyone can attend.

Sounds like you guys may well be on your way. Great timing given that it does take some planning and spring is just around the corner ;)

But I suggest that what you guys do is join the NSX Club of Canada and then start your own chapter of the National Club. Your events would get covered under Club insurance (not track mishaps), you will all get the nifty gift and whatever difference there is between insurance, gift and the $100 for membership, we will send to you guys. So its money well spent. Plus, you may even to be able to generate sponsorship for some of your events, as we have. Plus, now that we have an arrangement with NSXCA where our members can attend NSXPO without having to pay CA dues, you would be able to do that too. So your realized benefits should extend well beyond what you'd pay, but it is what you want to make it.

We will also act on your behalf and try to get you guys more discounts if you need.
What do we have to do to register our local club with the Canadian club, is there a thread about it? Who do we send the money to? Is there anyone here that can help us set up a website or do you guys go through NSXPrime?
Good luck Cody, glad to see someone taking the initiative!
Cody - PM Red. But I dont believe that you have to do much.

The bare minimum would be to have your local guys become NSXCC members.

For that we can help with discounts and when a bunch of you get together for a group drive, if we have notice of it we could call it a club event and our insurance would cover it.

If you wanted to really do something great, you could put in place your own leadership structure as an official chapter of the Club and then the sky is the limit with what your potential is.

We very much want more members across the country and our intention is absolutly to make sure that you get your moneys worth. Whatever isnt taken by the insurance and NSX related gift, you will get to use for your own events. We want all members to enjoy similar value and we do not want any remote members to fund activities anywhere else.

Red can tell you all about the Clubs structure as he had it set up with lawyers. We are an official not for profit company.

We have a website, but it has taken some time to get going. Arshad is the genius for it. I bet you could have your own page on our page if you wanted it.
What Dave said!

I'll help you out along with the rest of the NSXCC Exec :)

Call/email me - seriously not much to it, grab the application form from the Thread at the top of the CDN section, fill it out and mail it in with a cheque (We assume anyone joining now is joining for the balance of 07 and all of 2008)
Hmmm, something to ponder for sure. I like the idea of a provincial club. Red Deer is roughly central for meets and I am not opposed to a 1-1 1/2 hour cruise to get to a meet. Mountain tours in Banff and Jasper would make for a couple of nice weekends. Early or late season stuff could incorporate skiing or boarding for a day and maybe be a weekend event. My problem is not desire, it's 3 yes 3 rotten children. For us math challenged folks that = not enough seats LOL
My problem is not desire, it's 3 yes 3 rotten children. For us math challenged folks that = not enough seats LOL

I consider myself a "lucky guy" for getting the vasectomy after TWO!!!:biggrin:
I'm in.
There is a lot of information and experience to share. The more we can meet the more we all know about these cars.

Tough to find a negative!!

go for it Cody.
I will send you a PM with my contact info.
Everyone else interested, please do the same..

to add to your roster:

Alinjack - Al ? Edmonton

regards Warren Woodcox
You guys are going to rival the Ontario Chapter in size! :)

we're up for the challenge!

Now if we get BC set up we'll have around 100 cars in NSXCC without even hitting up the Quebec group!
I consider myself a "lucky guy" for getting the vasectomy after TWO!!!:biggrin:

I'm not as "quick" to pull the trigger as you Ontario boys! But after the third one I did figure out what was causing the problem. My wife's solution is equally effective but abstinence doesn't have the same ring as the big "V":biggrin:
I'm not as "quick" to pull the trigger as you Ontario boys! But after the third one I did figure out what was causing the problem. My wife's solution is equally effective but abstinence doesn't have the same ring as the big "V":biggrin:

Abstinence? You mean George Bush birth control?:frown:

The best thing about the big V is that NO woman will ever be able to tell you you're gonna be a dad - this is especially important if your wife is abstaining!:wink: