ALB ABS checker alternative

There is a lot of info out there on the ABS system on our cars. I have posted some info that may interest you. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for the advice. I have read heaps but dont know if I have read it all. The factory manual has detailed infor for maybe 50 codes so it seems to me to be the best way to do it. My auto elect says he can work thru the circuit, replacing parts he thinks are bad then testing again. This seems an expensive and time consuming way.
Warren has been very helpful as well.
But as yet no ALB code checker.
Hi, nomac.

For diagnosing the ABS/ALB, almost all of the time you don’t need to have access to the ALB checker because you can simulate it using different methods.
I serviced well over 100 of them and never used the checker.

First thing first.
I don’t know the spec of your NSX but from the same post in International/Australia forum, I believe yours is 91 model and I presume you have not upgraded to the latest one body ABS.
If my assumption is correct, please read the error code first by using the following method.

Unlike other error code such as CEL, TCS, etc, the one for the ALB has time out so after repeating the code two times or so, the ALB warning light will no longer blink.
Just switch Off and On the IG key to display the ALB code again if you have timed out.

Also, unlike other warning light, the classic ALB won’t show the long and short ‘blink’.
It will be always only a short blink (like 0.1sec) for both the main/sub codes and they are separated by 1sec pause.
Each code will be separated by about 5sec interval.

Please note that as soon as you turn the IG key into On position, the ALB light will go into the bulb check mode and stays on for 1sec so please ignore this as it’s not showing the error code.
Again, please remember that the warning code is only displayed using like 0.1sec short blink and the display of code will time out after being repeated a few times.

Most of the time, the error code will be related to the wheel speed sensor (which will normally trigger the TCS warning light as well due to the fact that the TCS controller is receiving the wheel speed info through ALB controller as it is carrying out the sensor signal filtering and level conversion inside there) or your ALB pump ran continuously for more than 120sec due to the leaky solenoid issue as mentioned many times by others.

Kaz & Adnan
Thanks again for such a detailed response. I will do the tests. Adnan very kindly sent me the Trouble shooting guide.
I have installed Warren's 'O' ring kit in the solenoids and bled the system. It was OK for the first day but on 2nd day the fluid was pushed out of the reservoir. It was bled with the T and a lot of bubbles appeared. Bled correctly but light still comes on when pump stops running.