AKMEE Engineering 1991 NA1 Acura NSX on Highway 17 from Scotts Valley towards Los Gat

10 October 2002
land of happy motoring, sunny north cali

Walk around video of our NSX...


I haven't been on this stretch of world famous high way in probably over 6 years. Highway 17 is an amazing stretch of road that connects Los Gatos to Santa Cruz.

It has gained the nick name "Bloody Highway" by some. It has lot of medium speed turns (by road racing standards), long sweepers, tons of elevation changes which makes it feel like a giant roller coaster and it is absolutely beautiful. It requires constant attention because the moment you take your eyes off the road you will probably wreck. Heck, for the average driver, even with constant attention it is pretty easy for them to over sped and I can see why people will lose control of the car due to lack of skills and experience. This is why I promote high performance driving schools as much as I can.

I've been driving on all the beautiful California road courses since 1995. Local to Northern California, we have Sear Point (Infineon), Laguna Seca, and Thunderhill (about 2.5 hours North of San Francisco). All three tracks are fantastic and there are track days available all around the year. If you would like to become a better and safer driver, please sign up for a driving school. There are many options!

If you take your own car you can get on track for as cheap as $100!! Way cheaper than a speeding ticket and I guarantee you will ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT and have the time of your life. If you are interesting in getting instruction from me feel free to contact me. I have been an instructor for many California driving school and car clubs since 1999, including the NSX Club.

On amazon there's a great little book called "Highway 17: The Road to Santa Cruz". I haven't read it myself but the description is great! Highway 17 has tons of history, politics, stories. I think I will order a copy.
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