Air Duct Pic

30 August 2005
Well I switched from one piece RB slotted rotors to two piece as the one piece only lasted 4 track days before showing signs of stress cracks (small spider cracks). I also took off the Dali deflectors and switched to 2" air ducts from the front. Here is a pic of the inlet on the front. I checked to see how much the plastic covers were before I drilled... :biggrin: ($25 ea.)


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I think this is the first time I've seen anyone use those covers as an air duct entrance. Ingenious!
I took the covers off and drilled a 2" hole. Then took a ABS plastic pipe and cut a 1-1/2" piece and used contact cement to attach it to the cover. Then fiberglassed the two together to make sure it was on good and had a good seal. Then attached 2" air duct hose and ran it like everyone else. It is a tight fit to make the 90 degree turn from that spot down underneath the car but it works. Tested with a leaf blower :biggrin: and air seems to flow smoothly enough.
Well I switched from one piece RB slotted rotors to two piece as the one piece only lasted 4 track days before showing signs of stress cracks (small spider cracks). I also took off the Dali deflectors and switched to 2" air ducts from the front. Here is a pic of the inlet on the front. I checked to see how much the plastic covers were before I drilled... :biggrin: ($25 ea.)

stress cracks with only 4 track days? Hmmm... that kinda sucks. How are the 2 piece doing?
