Air Conditioning Woes

21 May 2008
With the weather so good nowadays, I tried turning on my AC to find out there is nothing. Last year before I stored the car, the AC worked fine and blew cold. But nothing this year.

I've checked the following so far:

1) Freon level - slight glass is clear
2) All 3 fuses are ok - condenser fans run
3) AC belt in engine looks fine
4) Did a self diagnostic on the climate control - no problems I think, after I pressed AUTO and OFF and the same time, I dont see any extra lights

Anything else I should look at?
Check make sure your getting proper voltage from the connector. Believe Pins 30, 28, 27, and continuity to ground on pins 25 and 24, I'd have to look it up. PM BryanK. He knows the climate control system inside and out.
Nevermind BryanK beat me to it
Having a weird problem with my refrigerant all topped up. When driving with the CCU fan on auto, temp set to 21 Celsius, and with the A/C manually turned off, I noticed that once in a while, the A/C automatically turns on for a few mins, then turns off. When the A/C turns on, the air is noticeably colder.