With the weather so good nowadays, I tried turning on my AC to find out there is nothing. Last year before I stored the car, the AC worked fine and blew cold. But nothing this year.
I've checked the following so far:
1) Freon level - slight glass is clear
2) All 3 fuses are ok - condenser fans run
3) AC belt in engine looks fine
4) Did a self diagnostic on the climate control - no problems I think, after I pressed AUTO and OFF and the same time, I dont see any extra lights
Anything else I should look at?
I've checked the following so far:
1) Freon level - slight glass is clear
2) All 3 fuses are ok - condenser fans run
3) AC belt in engine looks fine
4) Did a self diagnostic on the climate control - no problems I think, after I pressed AUTO and OFF and the same time, I dont see any extra lights
Anything else I should look at?