Aftermarket Stereo Installers in MA any recommendations?

14 May 2002
Boston, MA
i am looking to upgrade the entire system. thanks in advance.
I have only heard about Rich's Car tunes and Sound in Motion in watertown, MA, and in Allston, MA, respectively. They were mainly referred by bimmer and audi guys. I have never done any work there, so I can't really say much about it. However, you can probably check them out and see.

[This message has been edited by Tiger740 (edited 18 January 2003).]
Originally posted by BostonNSX:
Tiger what do you think of Tweeter
the Azn guy at the com ave shop is pretty nice

Yes, I heard good things about Tweeter on Commonwealth. Since many people at BU who have the nicest cars in Boston (so I heard) get their car stereos done there, Tweeter may have good knowledge in high end car stereos.