After the flood...the 04 is gone

24 October 2007
Calgary, Canada
Unfortunately the flood in Alberta 4 weeks ago has taken my red 2004 as a victim. In the garage it was, while I was a long way away.

It ended up being submerged above the door line and the windows were open. Mud was on the dash when I got to it

For future searches the VIN is:

serial number 003 of 198 in 2004

so sad...
Stinks. Gotta just feel horrible about it.... :frown::mad:

Hope you can work through it.
As a fellow Calgarian and hopefully a future NSX owner, I am truly sorry to hear that. Thanks for providing the VIN for future NSX buyers. Once again, my condolences.
Would be sad to see the insurance company part this out to a scrap yard. Very interested if you would like to sell the whole car. Sending you a PM now.
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Ah geez... that really sucks, sorry to hear about it and thanks for posting up the VIN

Is it going to insurance company or elsewhere?
That's terrible. How you do okay with the insurance. I hope your house is okay.
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I feel bad for you. Hopefully the insurance works out and you can start your hunt for a replacement. I keep our S2000 in a basement parkade during the winter months and flooding is always in the back of my mind around springtime.
wish you all the best, dealing with this.
I feel your pain... sad to see another NSX go down. Especially those very rare late model NSX's and a red one at that.
Hopefully you are doing okay with it all... a flood has to be very nasty... water & mud then mold. I'm sure the cleanup is no fun either. Hopefully all is going as well as possible.
Thanks for posting the VIN so in case it pops up in the future a possible future owner will know some history of the car.
So sorry to hear :(
I first hand know your pain... My house was flooded with SANDY but i was fortunate enough to have moved my NSX to high ground the day before so it was safely tucked away indoors and at about 50' above sea level.

I am sorry for your loss, but how is your house?
Very sorry to hear, I know in a disaster sometimes the car is the last thing people worry about but an NSX is special! If your garage got flooded up to the car's door line I can't imagine how the house looks.

Scared to ask for pictures but definitely a sad loss, sorry man....
that sucks. I hope you get into another NSX soon Pm me I can help with a new NSX if you want.

taking orders now... no joke.
IMG-20130625-00004.jpgThanks for the condolences. The house is getting back together. Taper finished yesterday, which is a lot further along than others. I am fortunate. And a tremendous thanks to all the volunteers who helped and fed everyone for 10 days afterwards Here is a picture of day 2's garbage haul

- - - Updated - - -

I'll check to see what the insurance company is doing with the car for those who are interested
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I'll check to see what the insurance company is doing with the car for those who are interested

I am interested.

I am also looking into the following to see if all I have been told is true:
The car has a lot of value, in parts alone. In Alberta when a car gets "written off" (80% damaged of car value) there are laws in place that it cannot go back on the market as a 'whole' car. This is to prevent people from "fixing" badly damaged cars and selling. Collision or flood, or whatever. This being said, there are exceptions to all the rules out there.
It seems that if you have friends in all the right places these cars do resurface.
As a parts car, if this car was completely dismantled, cleaned and reassembled, it may be salvageable. (In Alberta there is no such thing as a salvage tile)
so everyone keep an eye out for the VIN. It may bubble up (sort a speak) It could end up back on the US side of the border without ever being salvaged.
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Or he could never get it running, insured it and burnt it up!