Advice please

6 September 2002
Northern VA
It has been 24 hours now since I got this online. I know there are many professional business people here. Help me!! What do you think and tell me how I can make it work:

BTW, I know a couple from here that already registered.........thank you!!! lets clear out your garage :D

Flame me, stroke me.........whatever!!! go for it!!!
I really like the idea and the site. The problem is you need to advertise it. This can cost you a ton of money that you will not recover for years even if the site is profitable. Even if you do get it up and running ebay would probably buy it out and then at what price, would it be enough to pay for the advertising you invested? Maybe you could list an auction on ebay that consisted of 100 auctions on your site for one price. If ebay cancels the auction you could make a public protest in hopes of getting free advertising via the press.
steveny said:
I really like the idea and the site. The problem is you need to advertise it. This can cost you a ton of money that you will not recover for years even if the site is profitable. Even if you do get it up and running ebay would probably buy it out and then at what price, would it be enough to pay for the advertising you invested? Maybe you could list an auction on ebay that consisted of 100 auctions on your site for one price. If ebay cancels the auction you could make a public protest in hopes of getting free advertising via the press.

thats a damn good idea!!
Everyone thanks so much for the PMs. I am really absorbing this. Just to let everyone know this not my full time job :D I did it out curiosity.....Ideas that spawn out of the shower can be cute. :D

If you are going to list, I would suggest you use all features available. it is FREE. I brought this up because KGP put an auction up without using any an example.

btw, I put my X on there an example and some dude emailed me that there isn't any auction except a skanky old 91 acura....:D That cracks me up big time....NOW I really need an NSX pic in the front page......any photoshop master here volunteering?
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Modified version of my earlier idea.

Sell a limited number of slots consisting of a lifetime free membership to post anything for sale on you site for no charge.

You could post the auction on ebay... "List your auction items free for life with this membership."
Use the money you get from the auctioning of those seats/ memberships to advertise your site.

Like the stock exchange seats are now worth a great deal more than when they were first offered, your free auction seats would be too. This could be looked at as an investment for the buyer of the seat. Could you imagine what a free auction seat on ebay would be worth to a power seller.
Disclaimer: If you use my idea I will require one seat as payment.
If you are going to charge me. Lets do this. You have my permission to list on ebay and you can keep 50% on every seat sold. :D What do you think?

steveny said:
Modified version of my earlier idea.

Sell a limited number of slots consisting of a lifetime free membership to post anything for sale on you site for no charge.

You could post the auction on ebay... "List your auction items free for life with this membership."
Use the money you get from the auctioning of those seats/ memberships to advertise your site.

Like the stock exchange seats are now worth a great deal more than when they were first offered, your free auction seats would be too. This could be looked at as an investment for the buyer of the seat. Could you imagine what a free auction seat on ebay would be worth to a power seller.
Disclaimer: If you use my idea I will require one seat as payment.
PoohBEAR said:
If you are going to charge me. Lets do this. You have my permission to list on ebay and you can keep 50% on every seat sold. :D What do you think?
We have a SOLID entrepreneur on our hands here :D

PoohBEAR said:
If you are going to charge me. Lets do this. You have my permission to list on ebay and you can keep 50% on every seat sold. :D What do you think?

I think any good business person counters all offers.
Does anyone have an opinion of what ebay may or may not do if I post a listing. I have near 700 positive feedbacks on ebay that I would hate to lose if they get pissed and close my account. I suppose I could set up a new account to list the auction, but that may look bad in the buyers eyes.
You are correct, a good businessman would counter. But this is different. I am offering to a prime member with the understand that if I were in your position would be fair. :D This way I won't have to waste our time going back and forth--it get to the point!!!

steveny said:
I think any good business person counters all offers.
Does anyone have an opinion of what ebay may or may not do if I post a listing. I have near 700 positive feedbacks on ebay that I would hate to lose if they get pissed and close my account. I suppose I could set up a new account to list the auction, but that may look like bad in the buyers eyes.
First of all - I am basing all of this on an assumption. You are not doing this purely as a hobby and the goal is to start, sustain, and build a profitable side venture. This will be something you see yourself enjoying but as importantly - will produce some return on your time and money investment.

So here it goes. You are fighting simple economics. As a buyer of items and as a seller of items (especially obscure ones) you want the most efficient marketplace. As a buyer - competition keeps the costs down. As a seller - you have a market for what would surely be difficult to sell and have many bidders competing for the item(s).

As an entrepreneur you want to focus on things:

1) You know a lot about (some would argue that you should have very in depth "domain knowledge" about all areas of the business.

2) Your "domain knowledge" is a large (or the largest) barrier to entry (for example practicing law or medicine)

3) You are offering an obvious advantage to your consumers and are able to communicate that advantage to your target audience

4) You are deeply passionate about and might even continue doing this even if it continues to cost you more money then you make

With all 4 of these things you have a small chance of producing a return on your investment and building a worthwhile business.

I would guess you don't really have any of these things and are looking to make an easy buck. Your money, time, and energy would probably be better spent reviewing your investments, fixing up your house, or in other activities much more certain to bring a return on your investment then this.

As I see it:

1) You don't know a lot about all areas of the auction business (that is why you are asking)

2) There are numerous free / low cost auction software packages that anyone and everyone can setup. There is no barrier to entry here.

3) There is no advantage to using your site and on the contrary - an item sold on your site would probably take MUCH longer and sell for MUCH less then on EBay - even factoring in the fees.

4) This is at best a passing idea / hobby to you.

Trust me - been running a business for almost 6 years and it is a major pain in the butt. I have probably made less money then if I had kept a normal job and have alienated friends, family, and others through the years. What I - and others who do this - seem to have in common is a passion for the "right answers" (different from being right), a love of people, and the stupidity to keep on going when everyone else has walked away.


Here is my recipe for success - at the risk of sounding preachy. Life is very short. Figure out what you do better then most everyone else. Figure out what you LOVE to do and would do that even if money wasn't there. Try to combine the 2 into a business or join a business that supports your admissions. Enjoy.

Take care and good luck. If I am wrong about your passion and you are willing to fight the juggernaught EBay - then my advice would be to team up with companies already with a foothold, find others who augment your domain knowledge, and build a business plan you can sell to investors as it would take a substantial amount of money and time to even make a small dent in EBay's business. This is how Google become a brand name when others were much more established in the Internet search market - they did something better then anyone else, built a strong following, and managed growth and opportunities successfully.
Mortgage banking is my business and I am very happy doing it. After I get off work, I attend law school at night to make my resume more valuable if I do decide to move on in the future from Mtg. banking. This auction is a hobby which is not on my priority list. I thought about it the shower and smiled. Am I going to quit school or my job for this? no, I won't. I rather go for a drive. Am I competing with ebay? No, I am not. Again, I rather go for a drive. Now that natasu is up and running, I may as well do my best whatever time I have. who knows? I may get 10 people, or I may get 1000 people. I paid hosting for a year in advance and I am not hoping to recoupe any money back. similarly to modding our X. :D we don't get anything close to what was paid.

BTW, thank you so much for taking the time to write an extensive reply.....
PoohBEAR said:
Mortgage banking is my business and I am very happy doing it. After I get off work, I attend law school at night to make my resume more valuable if I do decide to move on in the future from Mtg. banking. This auction is a hobby which is not on my priority list. I thought about it the shower and smiled. Am I going to quit school or my job for this? no, I won't. I rather go for a drive. Am I competing with ebay? No, I am not. Again, I rather go for a drive. Now that natasu is up and running, I may as well do my best whatever time I have. who knows? I may get 10 people, or I may get 1000 people. I paid hosting for a year in advance and I am not hoping to recoupe any money back. similarly to modding our X. :D we don't get anything close to what was paid.

BTW, thank you so much for taking the time to write an extensive reply.....

That's cool - no problem. If you built the site yourself - great job! Perhaps you could also build a community (similar to prime) or find a way to sell parts or services to prime members. I think having hobbies that add to your own sense of "job security" and allow you to dable into other areas is a great idea. Good luck - thanks for posting back to clear up your career and intentions.
surely there are many forums out there already. However, about the merchandising part is a good idea. A ferrari part distributor emailed this morning if he can use the site to list his inventory. I told him YUP!!!!! So expect to see some Ferrari parts :D
Some of the most profitable ideas start out as something completely different than what they become. Maybe your site will morph into a car parts exchange. Direct from salvage yard or new parts dealer to the consumer.
I go with the flow. so are you going to do that "ebay seat" idea of yours?

If anyone needing Ferrari parts, please visit the site.

Now, am I going to have NSX part dealer?

steveny said:
Some of the most profitable ideas start out as something completely different than what they become. Maybe your site will morph into a car parts exchange. Direct from salvage yard or new parts dealer to the consumer.
where did you come up with the name natasu?

And you may want to add an "other" category, for all the stuff that doesn't clearly fall anywhere already.

Also, to me, the orange font is a bit too light and bright. You may consider a more neutral color like dark blue or green.
The name and the idea spawned out of the shower:D I have no idea how I got it nor I know what it means....

When I was doing those color, I was think of the IMOLA ORANGE that I will be driving:D I've had red and black already and needed to change.............:D

**If we have an NSX parts dealer here, contact me....lets open up your storefront.

NSX_Dreamer said:
where did you come up with the name natasu?

And you may want to add an "other" category, for all the stuff that doesn't clearly fall anywhere already.

Also, to me, the orange font is a bit too light and bright. You may consider a more neutral color like dark blue or green.
natasu = history?

Hey POOHBEAR, did you give up on this idea already? Did Steve ever try to auction off his mommy? :D

Sorry if it didn't work out.