Advice Needed

11 December 2008
*Moderators, if this is the incorrect thread, please PM and let me know where I can post my question.

Hello community,

I was wondering if I could get some advice on a recent purchase from another prime member, before I post the review. For that purpose, I am leaving out names and specific details.

Recently, I purchased a big ticket item here from the classifieds. It was a significant purchase and was listed as brand new condition. When I received it, it was received damaged from UPS and also missing a part to it. The damage appears repairable, but I wont know for sure until I take into my mechanic. The missing part can be replaced. I filed a claim with UPS and they are pending an investigation. However, when I did file the claim, I was told the seller only declared a value that was significantly less than what I paid for. I am concerned if the damage is unrepairable, then my only recourse is to file a claim with Paypal to try to get my money back. If the damage is repairable, I am concerned it would significantly diminish the value of this item - for resale purposes and also, plainly because I paid for an item that I expected to receive as brand new. I have not expressed my concerns to the seller yet - I have only questioned why he did not add additional insurance for such a big ticket item, in which he did not respond to.

Primers, what would you do? If the damage is repairable, would you ask the seller for additional "compensation", beyond what is covered by UPS? I have sold and shipped many things (not just on prime), and I have always declared an amount that was equal or exceeding the cost of the transaction, in order to protect myself as a seller.

I would appreciate any comments. If more details are needed, please PM me.

Thanks in advance!
Do you believe the item got damaged during shipping or was the seller dishonest about it's condition?
+2 on Brylek comment. If dishonest, then just file paypal for full refund. That actually is the easiest.
I believe the seller was honest about the condition when it shipped.
I believe the damage occured during the transport process by UPS - was originally bolted to a pallet and I received the item out of the pallet , with the pallet destroyed. Pictures were documented from the UPS delivery truck.
I believe the seller was trying to save a few bucks when shipping the item, and thats why he did not disclose the correct value for the item.

Thanks for the comments, please keep them coming.
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I think the seller bears some responsibility for failing to declare value appropriately. Once the buyer has made a good faith effort to recover as much of the item's original value from the shipper as possible, he should be compensated by the seller. The amount of compensation should be the original price minus the sum of the amount recovered from the shipper and the amount the item is worth in its damaged condition. For example, if the item sold for $500, the shipper pays $100 on the claim, and the part is now worth $250 in its damaged state, then the seller should refund $150.
($500 -($100+$250)=$500-$350=$150)

I always ship with a declared value greater than the total of the actual selling price plus shipping. While the seller may have neglected to declare an appropriate value out of inexperience in such matters, he is still responsible. If you sell and ship parts you have to do your homework or you are negligent.
Usually it is the buyer that pays for shipping and handling, unless the ad specifically states that those costs are built into the price of the item. If you are buying a big-ticket item, you should mention to the seller that you would like it fully insured and are willing to pay for it.
This should have been discussed as part of transaction. I always ask buyer or seller when I buy, about specific insured value.
I would contact the seller and let him know what has happened. Since you have given no specific info here I'll be general as well. If he is a Vendor or a frequent seller of parts, he'll want to know that his reputation could be in question because the delivery service bounced his shipment down the highway to his customer. That's bad for business. If he's reputable and takes this issue personally, he'll be contacting the shipper as well. Also, (and I don't know your particular circumstance at the time of delivery) I usually have the delivery guy wait until I inspect the shipment if I see that it arrived in a damaged carton or no carton at all in your case. If it doesn't meet my standards then I'll refuse shipment and call the seller. You paid for new and in perfect condition and you should demand it delivered that way. To me how the seller handles this will determine a good review or a bad review.
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Thanks all, I appreciate all the comments thus far.
The seller and I never discussed the issue of insurance - we just negotiated a "SHIPPED" price. Like most buyers here, I will offer a price with that term, like $100 shipped for your spoiler, implying that the seller covers the shipping costs.
I can appreciate the viewpoint that once the item gets dropped off, then it is up to the shipper/UPS/FEDEX/USPS to make sure it comes intact to the buyer. However, like some have mentioned, I dont necessary agree that the responsibility ends there - as a seller, you need to take every precaution to make sure the buyer receives the item just like you described, which means you should always declare the accurate cost of the item to the shipper/UPS/FEDEX/USPS. As a hypothetical, if the seller shipped an item and did not declare the actual amount, and the item gets lost, who do you think should be responsible for making things whole? The buyer or the seller? Most examples of these types of disputes that I've researched on prime (thanks Brylek for the links) and google and paypal find in favor of the buyer and the seller is responsible the cost. In my particular situation, I am upset that I was not even given the CHOICE for additional insurance. The seller had a choice to add insurance at time that he shipped - in this case he only added an amount that was 18% of our transaction price, not nearly enough in my opinion for a big ticket item like this.
I'm currently in contact with the seller and I will post up my review shortly.