Adjusting Anti-Swy Bars

12 March 2013
Sugar Land
I just instlled some anti-sway bars that are adjustable (three link location holes) and put the front and rear on the center hole. The bars are the street-track versions.
I don't track the car and am uncertain as to how to set the bars and what the various settings do for the handling.
Can someone please give me some guidance? Thanks.
Ideally, you want the angle of the bar and the end links to be 90* to each other so the geometry is correct. When the angle is not 90*, you may bend the endlinks from aggressive cornering. We have bladed sway bars. Check out bladed style which always remain the proper geometry and you can adjust from full stiff to full soft easily. Quite often the endlinks are not of high quality so they are easy to bend when the angle is not correct.
Middle hole it good start. I like to have progressive oversteer and I run soft rear. Then depending on grip level your tires give you can adjust understeer with front bar. I have it on the most stiff setting. If you're lowered you'll see less roll hence less force in the corner hence less counter force required. Hence less stress on the end links. Try this: drive it around and get a feel on corner entry for low/medium speed corners. See if it wants to understeer when speed increases. Also get a feel of how quick weight transition is on low speed. Then move front to the farthest hole and compare. It takes few minutes to adjust and once you find what you like you can just leave it there. It's not like you're trying to beat time moving from one track to another. What tires do you have btw?