Adam (GhostRider) call me !

Speaking of Ghostrider, what ever happened to him? He used to be very active and I haven't seen him post in a long time.
odenspike said:
Speaking of Ghostrider, what ever happened to him? He used to be very active and I haven't seen him post in a long time.

I'm still here. I have another daughter coming so things are crazy right now.
Unfortunately this means the NSX will be leaving pretty soon. If anyone knows of someone looking for a LBB NSX let me know please.
I think he got booted for mis-behaving:wink:
I tried to PM him but no reply. I noticed all his posts were removed from the forum. I saw him online a few days ago and his name had a (+) after it. I think he got booted for something. Adam hope to see you at starbucks to get the story.
